Tuesday, July 16, 2024

July 16 2024 - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel - Reaching the mountain which is Christ


Throughout the scriptures, we read of a number of the mountains of the holy land. We read of Mount Sinai, also known as Mount Horeb—where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, and formed a covenant with the Israelites. Jesus taught on the beatitudes on a mountain, and he sweat blood on a mountain—the mount of Olives. Mount Olivet was also the place where the Lord ascended into heaven. King David wept on the mount of olives after having to flee Jerusalem, which itself is situated upon a mountain—mount zion. On Mount Tabor, the Lord became transfigured before his disciples, showing his divine glory. And on Mount Moriah, Abraham proved his faith. 

Today, we honor Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Carmel is in Northern Israel on the coast. It is where Elijah famously challenged the prophets of Baal and proved that the Lord is the one true God.

In the late 12th century, a group of Christian hermits took up residence on Mt Carmel to devote themselves to prayer and contemplation. They dedicated their chapel to Our Lady. Hence, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. 

The Carmelite order has certainly left a lasting impression on the Church. The Carmelite scapular is worn as a special devotion to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel—seeking her protection special favor especially in being preserved from the eternal fire.

That outward devotion to Our Lady is of course meant to be matched and surpassed by interior devotion—the cultivation of the interior life: a life of recollection, prayer, uninterrupted oblation to God, continual contact, and intimate union with him. And Mary of course is the model of the interior life: the life wholly dedicated to the quest for God, wholly orientated towards intimacy with God.

The opening prayer today asked God that Our Lady might come to our aid so that we may reach the mountain which is Christ. Mt. Carmel, and all of those mountains in scripture, are symbols for the mountain that each one of us must climb, they are a symbol of Christ—who himself climbed the mountain of Calvary and now sits at the right hand of the father on the mountain top of heaven.

Christ is a steep mountain. But on this mountain journey, God teaches us by his commandments, he comforts us in our sorrows, he tests us to prove our faith, and he gifts us with moments of profound intimacy and transfiguration.

May our Lady of Mt. Carmel assist us by her example and heavenly intercession, that we may have the strength and grace we need to become worthy of the promises of Christ for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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For all Christians, that we may be inspired by the Carmelite tradition to cultivate a rich interior life and seek intimate union with God, and for our world, that it may be transformed by the power of prayer and devotion to Our Lady, leading to peace and justice for all. Let us pray to the Lord.

For those struggling on their spiritual journey, that Our Lady may come to their aid as they strive to reach the mountain which is Christ, and for all people, that they may recognize God's presence in the "mountains" of their lives - in moments of revelation, testing, and transformation. Let us pray to the Lord.

For the Carmelite order and all religious communities, that their dedication to prayer and contemplation may continue to enrich the Church, and for all who wear the Carmelite scapular, that their outward devotion may be matched by an interior commitment to following Christ. Let us pray to the Lord.

For the sick, the impoverished, the lonely, those suffering from mental illness, those most in need, and those near death. And that the souls in purgatory may know the relief and assistance of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, and for X, for whom this mass is offered. let us pray to the Lord. 

Loving Father, hear our prayers, through the intercession of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, grant us what we need, that we may reach the summit of holiness and dwell with You forever in the heavenly Jerusalem. Through Christ our Lord.

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