Friday, May 10, 2024

6th Week of Easter 2024 - Friday - Mission impossible

In the ancient world, the city of Corinth was a mix between Las Vegas and New York City: it was a wealthy commercial center that gathered traders, sailors and slavers from all over the Roman Empire. And Corinth catered to their depraved appetites—the ancient city of sin was known for every sort of debauchery—the Temple of Aphrodite marking the city skyline was renowned for its temple prostitutes. 

This picture of the moral degradation of Corinth provides the context for St. Paul’s arrival with an astounding message: there is salvation and freedom from sin in Christ! Paul was sent to the drunkards and fornicators to preach Christ.  This was a great challenge. These are people who likely did not want to change. Paul would no doubt be mocked and challenged for preaching conversion and repentance in Corinth, not to mention the hostility from the business owners—sin was big business in Corinth, after all. Talk about Mission Impossible!

But as we heard today, the Lord himself appeared to Paul, and said, “Do not be afraid. Go on speaking, and do not be silent, for I am with you. No one will attack and harm you, for I have many people in this city." This reminds us of God’s reassurance to Moses at the burning bush, Joshua prior to his mission, the Virgin Mary at Nazareth. “Do not be afraid, I am with you” is often God’s response to the fear and trepidation of those to whom he has given a humanly impossible mission. And converting Corinth was certainly a humanly impossible mission.

The Lord assured Paul that there were people in Corinth who would be receptive—soul whom the Lord knew would be receptive to the Gospel if Paul would simply have courage and preach.

And preach he did. Paul stayed in that moral cesspool for a year and a half, teaching those who would be taught. 

Friends, like Paul, we must not be afraid to preach and teach in whatever part of the world we find ourselves. We must not be afraid to call unbelievers to belief and sinners to conversion and to preach Christ crucified. The Lord is with us, he has tasked us with the mission, and he has not left us abandoned in our mission. He wishes to speak through us, teach through us, and make disciples through us. May we be faithful to this great and awesome responsibility, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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That the ordained and all members of the Church throughout the world may be a more visible sign of the love of God for humanity, calling all people to new life and communion with Him; and that our parish may bear witness with great confidence to the Resurrection of Christ and his tender love for sinners and for the poor

For those who do not believe in God and for those who have fallen away from the Church.

For an increase in the gifts of the Holy Spirit among all Christians, and for all who are persecuted for the faith.

That during this month of May, all people may turn their hearts to the Blessed Virgin Mary, seeking her aid and imploring her intercession with increased and fervent devotion, imitating her example of Faith, Hope, and Love. 

For the sick, the suffering, those in nursing homes, hospitals, and hospice care, for the underemployed and unemployed, for the imprisoned, those with addictions, for those who grieve the loss of a loved one, and those who will die today, that the Spirit of Consolation may comfort them.

For the deceased members of our families, friends and parish, for all of the poor souls in purgatory, for all those who fought and died for our freedom.

O God, who know that our life in this present age is subject to suffering and need, hear the prayers of those who cry to you and receive the prayers of those who believe in you. Through Christ our Lord.

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