Tuesday, February 13, 2024

6th Week in Ordinary Time 2024 - Monday - Enduring Trials with Joy

 Just two days before the great season of Lent, we have the powerful words of St. James encouraging Christians to endure their trials with joy.

Now St. James was writing just 20-30 years after the death and resurrection of Christ, so to that first generation of Christians. Most of that first generation of Christians were Jewish converts to Christ who were being kicked out of their synagogues and facing the social, economic, and various other consequences for their choice to convert.  And so St. James, writing as an apostle who himself would go to his death for Christ, encouraged these new Christians to keep the faith amidst these trials, and even to endure them with joy.

What a perfect truth of our faith for us to ponder as we prepare for the season of lent, a season associated with trial, challenge, penance, endurance. It was a trial for Jesus to fast for 40 days. It was a trial for Jesus to take up his cross. And Lent helps us associate with Our Lord’s own trials, by taking up penances for the good of our own souls and that of others.

But James says do just endure trials. Rather, endure them with joy. How is that possible?

It is impossible to endure trials with joy if we are not rooted in our faith. 

Trusting in God's sovereignty and making acts of faith that God is in control--that God is working all things for the good of those who love Him is foundational. There can be no joy without faith.

Prayer is foundational in times of trial. Seeking God in prayer allows us not only to express our struggles, fears, and concerns to God, but to seek God’s will in our trials—to seek God Himself—God’s very presence with us in our trials. 

Viewing our trials as opportunities for spiritual growth in a key to joy. For as St. Paul writes to the Romans, our trials produce endurance, character, and hope and even joy.

The fact that we are not alone in our trials, but that we are part of the community of believers can make our trials not just more manageable but opens us to the joy of being inspired by fellow believers and the knowledge that we are inspiring to others. 

Expressing gratitude in the midst of trials produces joy. When we focus on the good we have, the strength that is given, the knowledge that our sufferings are opportunities for conformity with Christ, joy is produced. 

And finally, keeping an eternal perspective helps Christians see beyond the temporary sufferings to the eternal joy that awaits—we recognize that the Lord promised us eternal reward for those who take up their cross and follow him—that our earthly sufferings are inevitable and part of the royal road to heaven. 

Enduring trials with joy does not mean denying or suppressing emotions, or being pollyannish about our sufferings, but growing in our experience of God through our trials. May the Lord sustain us in our trials, help us endure them with faith, hope, and love, and to come to know the joy of the eternal kingdom for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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To God the Father Almighty we direct the prayers of our heart for the needs and salvation of humanity and the good of His faithful ones.

That the Holy Spirit may embolden us in the mission of the Church and help us to put our physical, intellectual, and spiritual gifts more fully in the Lord’s service. 

That legislators and government leaders may be guided by the Word of God to promote just laws and compassionate policies especially for the unborn, the elderly, and the most vulnerable.

That the upcoming season of Lent may be a time of profound renewal for our parish and the Church as we engage in the penitential practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. 

For those preparing for the Easter Sacraments: may God’s Word help them to experience the grace of daily conversion and the joy of the followers of Christ.

For those who struggle because of addiction, mental illness, chronic sickness, unemployment, or ongoing trials of any kind:  that God’s Spirit will rest upon them, relieve their suffering and lead them to wholeness and holiness. 

For the deceased members of our family and friends, for all the souls in purgatory and for…

O God, our refuge and our strength, hear the prayers of your Church, for you yourself are the source of all devotion, and grant, we pray, that what we ask in faith we may truly obtain. Through Christ our Lord.

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