Monday, January 29, 2024

4th Week in Ordinary Time 2024 (School Mass)- Unbinding through education

 The image in the Gospel is a powerful one. A man possessed by a demon had been bound, shackled, and chained because that demon caused him to thrash about and cause harm to himself and others. Because of that demon, that evil spirit within him, he could not control his body, he could not control his words, he could not control his actions. 

And then Jesus draws close to the demon possessed man. And through his divine authority as God in the flesh, Jesus commands the demon to depart from him. And free from the demon, he regained used of mind, his body, his words, and his actions. The chains could come off and he could return to his family—to pursue the goodness for which he was created.

Again, what a powerful story: Jesus offers freedom from the spirits and ideas and behaviors which cause us harm. Jesus offers us freedom from evil, those sorts of evil which take root in our minds and hearts, which can lead us to harm the people we love, and even ourselves. The sort of evil that causes us to act more like wild animals than children of God. Evil that keeps us from peace and joy and goodness.

What a powerful story. One that contains a promise. Draw near to Jesus. Allow Jesus to draw near to you. Be willing to allow Jesus to free you from all the forms of evil that shackle and chain and cause self-harm and harm to others.

A powerful story for any day of the year for us to consider, but also one that is absolutely perfect for the beginning of Catholic Schools Week.

Why do Catholic Schools exist? Education. What is education? The word education comes from the latin – educare – to lead a person out of something. To lead a person out of something. Out of what? Out of ignorance. The sort of ignorance that can cause harm to ourselves and to others. An uneducated mind can cause real harm in this world. And so education leads us out of ignorance. Out of Ignorance, but also it leads us into, the higher realm of Truth and Life and Goodness. And that is where happiness lies. 

When we are young we put training wheels on bicycles so we do not harm ourselves or others. But through the training and practice education offers, those training wheels can come off and we can ride further and faster and freer and happier.

Students, let your teachers teach you. Because in a Catholic School, Jesus is at work through them to lead you out of ignorance.

But teachers, your responsibility is great, to allow the Truth and Goodness of Jesus to animate your vocation. Education is not simply accomplished through words, words, words. But how you conduct yourselves, your prayerfulness and patience and gentleness and generosity and faith. 

The evil spirits and errors of our world are legion, they are many. But the goodness of Christ can free all those who want to be free. And children need examples of those who live in the freedom of Christ. 

May this Catholic Schools Week help us to recommit to the learning and teaching Jesus wants for us, that we may live in the freedom befitting the children of God for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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