Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Holy Week 2023 - Tuesday - Holy Oils and the beloved disciple


Tuesday of Holy Week is always a special day in the diocese of Cleveland. This evening, surrounded by his priests, deacons, and members of the faithful throughout the diocese, the bishop will celebrate the Chrism Mass. It is so called, of course, because at the Chrism Mass, the Bishop blesses the oils that will be used for the celebration of the sacraments throughout the diocese. And there are three such oils.

The first oil is the oil of the sick that will be used in hospitals, nursing homes, at death beds and healing services. Through the use of the oil of the sick, the infirmed and dying are united to the suffering Christ, comforted by his closeness, and given strength to bare their cross in union with him.

The second oil blessed at the Chrism mass is the oil of catechumens. As we heard yesterday, the Lord Jesus was anointed at Bethany by Mary before his death. So too, those preparing for baptism are anointed before they go down into the waters to die with Christ so that they may be raised with him. 

The third oil is the sacred Chrism. And that fragrant oil is used after baptism to more deeply associate the new Christian with Christ—the anointed one. Sacred Chrism is used at confirmation, to seal us with special gifts of the holy spirit for the carrying out of our Gospel mission, witnessing with our lives, like Christ to the Good News. Sacred Chrism is also used in Holy Orders, that deacons, priests, and bishops might pour themselves out in service to God and the Church, like Our Lord. 

It is fitting that during Holy Week we celebrate the Chrism Mass and the blessing of these oils, because these oils all remind us to more closely unite ourselves to Christ, and that’s certainly one of the themes of Holy Week. 

In the Gospel today, Peter boasts of how he will follow the Lord even unto death. But we know because of his human weakness and cowardice, Peter flees from the cross. Rather, it is the beloved disciple John, who reclined on the breast of Our Lord, near to his heart.

The Sacraments, especially those involving the oil that is blessed today, all help us to be more like John. John has placed his ear, his mind, his eyes, his senses as close to the heart of Jesus as possible, and he is filled with light and strength and courage to follow where none of the other apostles were able to go.

Please pray for the priests today we gather with the bishop, not only to witness the blessing of the oils, but also to renew our priestly promises. And pray for the Church of Cleveland today as a whole, that through the lasting effects of the holy anointings we have received, we will be ever-more united to Christ who is faithful to his Father’s will unto death for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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For the Catechumens who will be baptized and confirmed this easter, that these final days of preparation may purify and enlighten them to follow Christ always and everywhere.

For the priests of the Diocese gathering today, that their time together will strengthen them, deepen their bonds of charity and faith, and renew them in their priestly commitments.

That in these final days of Lent we may have the strength to resist temptation, and the humility to sincerely repent of sin.

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

Mercifully hear, O Lord, the prayers of your Church and turn with compassion to the hearts that bow before you, that those you make sharers in your divine mystery may always benefit from your assistance.

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