Friday, February 10, 2023

February 10 2023 - St. Scholastica - Trusting in God's plan

The first chapters of the book of Genesis reveal God’s magnificent plan for creation. In the first chapter, the days of creation follow the divine logic: the light, the earth, the heavens, dry land, sea, vegetation, stars, the fish, the birds, the animals, and finally mankind.

In chapter two, we read of God’s plan for humanity. Humanity is to fulfil the purpose for which we were made: tending creation and obeying God—trusting God. 

Sadly, in chapter 3, we read of Adam and Eve stepping out of God’s plan, man’s rebellion. Instead of surrendering to God’s plan, trusting in God, obeying God’s commands, man and women choose to believe in a lie: that they can be happy without trusting God—that they can close their ears to the Word of God and still be able to hear correctly.

In the Gospel, the effects of Adam and Eve’s Original Sin are on display: a man deaf with a speech impediment. He cannot hear the words of his loved ones; he cannot communicate rightly as man was created to do.

But, in the Gospel, God’s plan of salvation is also on display. Through Jesus Christ the impediments to wholeness are healed, right relationship with God and neighbor is restored. 

Today, we honor St. Scholastica, twin sister of St. Benedict. We do not know much about her life, save that she was a consecrated virgin. The one story we do know comes from St. Gregory the Great, and illustrates the great trust in God that we are meant to cultivate.

Scholastica loved when her brother would visit her in the monastery and engage in the holy conversation of the saints. Well, on one occasion, the conversation ran long and Benedict announced he had to return to his monastery. 

Maybe she knew it would be their last such visit because she was coming to the end of her life, but Scholastica closed her eyes and began to pray. A torrential down pour of rain, thunder and lightning swept through making it impossible for Benedict to go home. ‘May God forgive you, sister. What have you done?’ ‘Well,’ she answered, ‘I asked you and you would not listen; so I asked my God and he did listen.”

Scholastica trusted that if God wanted to send the rains, He would. She surrendered to God’s Will and God deemed it good to send rain so that the holy twins could continue their holy conversation. Her love for God and her love for her brother when combined with holy trust wrought a miracle.

As we prayed in the collect today, “following Scholastica’s example, may we serve God with pure love and happily receive what comes from loving God” for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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To God the Father Almighty we direct the prayers of our heart for the needs and salvation of humanity and the good of His faithful ones.

For the holy Church of God, that the Lord may graciously watch over her, care for her, deliver her from evil, and aid her in her mission.

Through the intercession of St. Scholastica, may all those whose lives and welfares are threatened by storms be delivered from all dangers.

For all who are oppressed by any kind of need, that the Lord may grant them relief and move Christians to come to the aid of the suffering.

For our beloved dead, for the poor souls in purgatory, and for X, for whom this Mass is offered.

O God, our refuge and our strength, hear the prayers of your Church, for you yourself are the source of all devotion, and grant, we pray, that what we ask in faith we may truly obtain. Through Christ our Lord.

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