Friday, January 7, 2022

First Friday Holy Hour - January 2022 - Impelled by the Sacrament of Love

 At mass this morning for the feast of St. Raymond of Penyafort, I reflected upon how the love of Christ filled St. Raymond’s life. The “The love of Christ impelled” him, as St. Paul says in the epistle for today’s feast. 

The saints are animated by the love of Christ. The love we are to have for Christ impels us out into the world to share the Gospel, to work tirelessly for the spread of the kingdom, to make us ambarssadors fo Christ as Paul says, to seek reconciliation with God and conversion from our vices, to bear our crosses for the salvation of souls. But not just the love we have for Christ, but the love Christ has for us impels us.

When we recognize how deeply we are loved by Christ, that changes everything. Christ loved us so much that he died for our sake. But moreso, God wants you to know how much you are loved.

The Christmas season, which we conclude in a few days, is certainly a reflection of how deeply we are loved. the Son of God was born of a most pure Virgin at a stable at midnight in Bethlehem in the piercing cold for you and for me.

But also, the Eucharist, which we gaze upon and adore upon the altar during this holy hour is the Sacramentum Caritatis, the sacrament of love, the gift that Jesus makes of himself revealing his love for us. 

By the Eucharist, Jesus wants to show his love for us in the concrete situations of our present life. He wants you to know his love for you, on this cold January evening, with the challenges and sorrows of your life. He wants you to know his love for you with all the challenges the church is facing, all the challenges our country is facing, all the challenges are families are facing—his love is revealed in the Eucharist.

Here is Emmanuel—God-with-us, right here, in this 100 year old church, in this impoverished neighborhood, in a culture that is growing increasingly numb and ignorant to his presence. 

When we recognize his love for us, we are better equipped to share his love with us, to draw others to this font of love. May the time we spend in adoration, and the prayers we offer in holy devotion, impel us to great works of charity, and help us to know Christ’s love for us always, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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