Wednesday, November 10, 2021

November 10 2021 - Pope St. Leo the Great - Truth, Peace, and Barbarians Inside and Out

 Constant barbarian invasions and the gradual disintegration of the Roman Empire, certainly made the papacy of Pope Leo the First a challenging one. And yet, his papacy was so effective, and his holiness so evident, that he is the first Pope to be given the title, “The Great”. Leo Magnus, Leo the Great.

I shared this last year, but it is such a great story.

In 452, Attila the Hung was laying siege to northeastern Italy. They vanquished city after city and reports were circulating that Attila was setting his sights on the rest of Italy.  

So Pope Leo himself, 52 years old at the time, rode on horseback to meet the barbarian leader and pleaded with him to spare Italy. The leader of the Huns, impressed by the Pope, left Italy.  Unfortunately, a few years later, another barbarian horde, the Vandals, attacked and sacked Rome. Again, the Pope, defenseless and surrounded by his clergy, went forth to meet the invader to implore him to desist. The Vandal leader promised to spare the great Basilicas of St Peter, St Paul and St John, whose dedication we celebrated yesterday, in which the terrified population of Rome sought refuge and were spared.  

The Collect for today’s feast asks God to grant the Church, through the intercession of Pope St. Leo, that we may stand firm in truth and know the protection of lasting peace.

Truth and peace. These are no doubt always to goals of any papacy. And aims of the Christian life.

Pope Leo worked hard to control the heresies prominent in his day and to call their followers back to true Christian belief. And he worked to promote peace and protection against the barbarians when the government failed to protect its people. Barbarians inside the Church are combatted with Truth. Barbarians outside of the Church are dealt with courage, diplomacy, and concern for their souls, and with prayers of protection for God’s people.

Pope Saint Leo was indeed a great Pope, a man boundless in his energy, compassionate, and clear in his sense of duty as Peter’s successor.  He is an example for all of us, for he was focused entirely on Christ, fulfilling the vocation to which Christ called him.

When things get difficult, and cloudy, and confusing, when barbarians are on the move, we are to focus on the Truth of Christ and recommit to the life to which he calls us: a barbarian or two might even be converted in the process. For it is the Freedom and Joy that comes from the Truth of Christ that the world longs for, that even the barbarians long for, that will ultimately bring deliverance from the darkness of the age and the darkness of evil. 

May Pope St. Leo assist us in loving the truth, living the truth, and working for the peace of Christ in our time for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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For the purification of Holy Church, and for all Bishops and clergy, that they may always lead us in fidelity to the saving Gospel of Christ.

That the Christian faithful may continue to nurture and discover their spiritual gifts for the building up of the Church.

For those who have left the Church, for those who have grown lukewarm, for those in mortal sin, for their conversion and the conversion of all hearts.

For the healing of all those afflicted with physical, mental, emotional illness, for those in hospitals, nursing homes, hospice care, those struggling with addictions, for those who grieve the loss of a loved one, and those who will die today.

For the deceased members of our families, friends, and parish, and all the poor souls in purgatory, for deceased priests and religious, and for those who have fought and died for our freedom.

O God, you know that our life in this present age is subject to suffering and need, hear the prayers of those who cry to you and receive the prayers of those who believe in you. Through Christ our Lord.

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