Friday, January 22, 2021

January 22 2021 - Legal protection of the Unborn - Priorities


While the Church has deep concerns about the "many threats to human life and dignity in our society," including euthanasia, the death penalty, immigration policy, racism, poverty, care for the environment, criminal justice reform, economic development and international peace, the protection of innocent life in the womb is, as Pope Francis rightly explains, “the preeminent priority”. 

Archbishop Gomez, President of the USCCB, on Wednesday, again basically quoting Pope Francis, wrote that the Church cannot stay silent when nearly a million unborn lives are being case aside in our country year after year through abortion. 

This is "a matter of social justice.” Archbishop Gomez said,  “We cannot ignore the reality that abortion rates are much higher among the poor and minorities, and that the procedure is regularly used to eliminate children who would be born with disabilities”

Catholics throughout our nation today, engage in prayer for the restored legal protection of the unborn, and renew our commitment to improving those social factors which often lead to abortion. For Catholics this is not an either/or, but a both/and. Both protect the unborn and work to alleviate social and economic factors which lead to abortion. 

Vatican II declared, “God, the Lord of life, has entrusted to men the noble mission of safeguarding life, and men must carry it out in a manner worthy of themselves. Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes.”

Isaiah, in today’s reading Laments that it is as if he has been toiling in vain, that it seems like he has spent his strength on nothing. But he immediately recalls that the Lord does reward all our efforts in his service. In working for the legal protection of the unborn, with the ever changing political scene in this country, it seems like every time there is a step forward, there are two steps back. But our labors are not in vain. Hearts are being changed. Babies are being saved in answer to our prayers and efforts.

So, we continue to pray that the truth of the Gospel of Life will take root in the hearts of every member of the human family and that we may be found diligent in praying and working for the safeguarding of life for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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That the leaders and members of the Church may fulfill with joy their calling to proclaim, celebrate, and serve the Gospel of Life, we pray to the Lord…

That God will give our new president, and all of us, the grace to seek the protection of innocent life in the womb and the common good with all sincerity. 

That Court decisions which permit the destruction of innocent life may be resisted and reversed, we pray to the Lord…

That God may protect all unborn babies, and keep them safe from the scourge of abortion, we pray to the Lord...

That all women facing difficult or unplanned pregnancies may receive compassionate care and the support they need, let us pray to the Lord.

That all medical professionals involved in the practices of abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia, may experience conversion of mind and heart and cease these activities, we pray to the Lord…

For all women who have had abortions, that they may seek out and experience God’s tender mercy, we pray to the Lord.

In thanksgiving for the many children who have been saved from abortion through the efforts of the pro-life movement, we pray to the Lord…

For all the dead, for all the souls in purgatory, for the deceased members of our families, friends, and parish, and for X, for whom this Holy Mass is offered.

Incline your merciful ear to our prayers, we ask, O Lord, and listen in kindness to the supplications of those who call on you. Through Christ our Lord

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