Monday, December 7, 2020

December 7 2020 - St. Ambrose - Drinking deeply of the Word


Ambrose was of the Roman nobility, trained in the classics, a poet, and a noted orator made governor of the northern Italian city of Milan.  And in the year 370, while Ambrose was the Roman governor of Milan, the bishop died, and a heated argument erupted over who would be the next bishop.  Ambrose tried to resolve this dispute, and his oratory struck such a chord with the people that someone shouted out, “Ambrose for bishop”.  The orator was speechless, for he had no intention of being bishop, let alone a priest, he wasn’t ordained…he wasn’t even baptized, for he was still a catechumen preparing for baptism.  

He resisted, claiming that he was unworthy, but the people continued to acclaim, “Ambrose for bishop”.  The people prevailed, mostly because Ambrose wanted to preserve peace.  So on December 7 of that year, he was baptized, and was consecrated a bishop, a week later.  He immediately gave away his wealth to the Church.  

In his autobiography, the Confessions, St. Augustine talks about the impact of St. Ambrose upon his life. For years, Augustine had searching for the Truth, but not no avail. He wandered from one strange philosophy to another, even into the strange Gnostic cults like the Manicheas. 

The great turning point in Augustine’s life was during his stay in Milan. There he heard the preaching and teaching of the holy bishop St. Ambrose. Ambrose, by living an exemplary life worthy of Augustine’s admiration, was able to attract Augustine to the truth and goodness of the Christian Gospel.

In order to share the truth we must be grounded in the Word of God. St. Ambrose, as bishop, urged his priests to dedicate their free time to reading and studying the scriptures. Listen to Ambrose’s advice to his priests: “Drink, then, from Christ, so that your voice may be heard….He who reads much and understands much receives his fill.  He who is full, refreshes others.”

Having drunk deeply from the Word of God, St. Ambrose’s life was full of the life and truth of God, who through him, was able to touch the life of a searcher, like Augustine. 

What a perfect Advent saint and model for all of us. Like Our Lady, Ambrose said yes to God in a major moment in his life. And like Our Lady, Ambrose continued to say yes to God daily, sitting down with the scriptures in his lap, drinking deeply from the word of God.

May our lives and the Church be governed by the courage and wisdom which governed and filled the heart of St. Ambrose, doctor of the Church, that through us, Christ the Lord might draw others to himself for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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We raise up our prayers of petitions, as we await with longing the Advent of Christ the Lord.

That the teaching and preaching of the Pope and all bishops and clergy will be founded firmly upon the full truth of the Word of God. 

That all those who wander in error, far from the Gospel of Christ, may be led through the preaching and example of the Christian people to the fullness of faith. 

That our president and all civil servants will carry out their duties with justice, honesty, and respect for the dignity of every human life.  That Christ may banish disease, drive out hunger, and ward off every affliction.

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

Almighty ever-living God, who bring salvation to all and desire that no one should perish, hear the prayers of your people and grant that the course of our world may be directed by your peaceful rule and your Church rejoice in tranquility and devotion. Through Christ our Lord.

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