Tuesday, January 28, 2020

January 28 2020 - St. Thomas Aquinas - Study and Holiness

The Opening Prayer of this Mass expresses the two outstanding characteristics of St. Thomas Aquinas: his holiness and his learning.

His great contribution to the Church is of course is writings, among many are his Catena Aurea written to help the clergy better understand the word of God, his Summa contra Gentiles, written to correct the errors of non-believers, and of course, his famous Summa Theologiae, which deals with the whole of Catholic Theology.

All seminarians preparing for the priesthood become very familiar with his writings and thought, and I know many people who like to take a little daily dose of Thomas, like taking a knife to a whetstone, a little Thomas every day keeps the mind sharp.

At the Council of Trent two books were situated in a place of honor, that their wisdom might guide the deliberations of the Fathers: the Sacred Scriptures and the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas. His writings have infused the life of the Church for centuries.

G.K. Chesterton wrote a brilliant biography of Thomas Aquinas. And he begins the biography comparing Thomas with St. Francis of Assisi. In spite of their obvious contrasts, he says, “they were really doing the same thing. One of them was doing it in the world of the mind, the other was doing it in the world of the worldly… They were doing the same great work; one in the study, the other in the street.”

Like Francis, Thomas was a truly holy soul. At the end of a life totally dedicated to the ministry of the word, nourished by prayer, mortification, and study, while praying before a crucifix, a voice asked Thomas what reward he wanted for his labors.  He replied: “None but yourself, O Lord.”  Non Nisi Te, Domine. None but yourself, O Lord. What would you or I ask for?

In 1880 Pope Leo XIII declared Thomas patron of Catholic schools. So we certainly ask St. Thomas to intercede for our young ones, and for the whole Church, the school of Christ. May the prayers and holy example of Thomas Aquinas increase our love of study of sacred doctrine and our zeal for holiness for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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That all Church leaders will faithfully proclaim Christ’s love and truth to the world.

That our parish families and the families of all of our school children will be places where the Christian faith is believed, followed, taught, and cherished.

For the students, teachers, staff, and alumni of St. Ignatius School and all of our Catholic Schools.

For the sick and suffering among us, for those who care for them, and for all of our beloved dead, especially X, for whom this mass is offered.

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