Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day 2018 - Remember rightly to live rightly

Memorial Day was originally an occasion to remember and to decorate the graves of the soldiers who died in the American Civil War. Today’s Civil holiday, rightly so, has grown to encompass all those who died in war in the service of our country.

Memory is an important faculty of the human soul. Our memories contribute to who we are, the choices we make. As Christians, our memory of the life of Jesus Christ, his teaching, his sacrifice, his death and resurrection defines us. This is why every week, on the Lord’s Day, Christians gather at the altar, to remember. When we stop remembering, we cease to be who we are called to be, we cease to honor God as he is meant to be honored.

The same can be said for those our nation honors today. As a nation, we remember their sacrifice, that it not be in vain. And our memory of their bravery is meant to shape us, to shape the course and discourse of our nation. We are to remember what they fought for, that this nation may be a place where all people can come to pursue life, liberty, and happiness, free from the tyranny of oppressive governments. Failing to remember is to fail to be worthy of their sacrifice.

Today, we are to carry their memories in our minds and hearts. We thank God for them. We Pray for them. We Observe silence for them. Perhaps, we even weep for them. We allow them to inspire us, to make right use of the rights of life and liberty they fought for. We seek particularly to be free from the selfishness which can so easily dominate our lives.

As Christians, we recognize that only by living according to God’s plan, as enumerated in the beatitudes, as we heard in the Gospel today, that we can come to inherit the true life, the true liberty, the true happiness of God’s kingdom.

May we remember rightly, that we may live rightly, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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Let us pray to our Heavenly Father, confident that He is generous to those who call upon Him with faith.

For Pope Francis, Bishop Nelson, and all the bishops: may they rightly lead the Body of Christ in faithfulness to all the Lord teaches and commands.

For our President and all elected government representatives, may the Holy Spirit grant them wisdom and guide them to promote authentic and lasting peace in the world, an end to terrorism, respect for religious freedom, and a greater reverence for the sanctity of Human Life.

For the protection of all those who serve in our nation’s military, and for all wounded servicemen and women, for all those widowed and orphaned because of war.

For the repose of the souls of our beloved dead, for all of the poor souls in purgatory, for the deceased members of our family, friends, and parish, and for those who have fought and died for our freedom for whom this mass is offered.

Gracious Father, hear the prayers of your pilgrim Church, grant us your grace and lead us to the glory of your kingdom, through Christ Our Lord.

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