Tuesday, March 20, 2018

5th Week of Lent 2018 - Tuesday - When the Son of Man is lifted up

“When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will realize that I AM.”

Like the bronze serpent which was salvation for those who looked on it in that first reading, Jesus lifted up on the cross becomes salvation for all who look on him in faith.

Jesus told people they would die in their sins unless they believed that He was God. So it is the task of the Christian to constantly lift up Jesus, that belief in Him may spread, and souls may be saved. Lifting up Jesus unleashes a life-changing, parish-changing, and world-changing power. Therefore, we must devote ourselves to ensuring that Jesus is constantly being lifted up.

How can we lift up Jesus for others to see?

Jesus is lifted up in the preaching and teaching of the Church.  Next time an adult education or scripture study opportunity is offered, invite someone who is struggling with their faith to join you.
As he is lifted up in the Eucharist at Mass, we can invite family and neighbors to attend mass with us, even daily mass. Bring a friend to Mass, then take them out for coffee.

Jesus is lifted up in the monstrance at Eucharistic Adoration.  There are many people who are hungering for a deeper, intimate prayer life who have never visited a Eucharistic Adoration. You can invite them next time you make a holy hour!

Jesus is to be lifted up in our speech.  Many Christians don't share their faith with others, but many are hungering to know Jesus, to know how he changes lives. In our efforts of spreading the Gospel, that personal testimony of how faith in Jesus Christ has changed you is so important. Speak about the peace you receive when you make a good confession, the graces you’ve received through fasting and prayer and engaging in works of charity, the healing you’ve received through forgiving an enemy.

Another way to lift him up is by displaying a crucifix. if you visit a friend or family member who doesn’t have one in their home, you can make a gift and encourage them to display the crucifix. Or give a crucifix as a gift to a poor college student in your life to display in their dorm room.

May our Lenten observances help us to lift up Jesus in our words, our choices, our manner of life, that the Lord may draw all men to himself through us, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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That God may be pleased to increase faith and understanding in the catechumens and candidates who approach the sacraments of initiation in the coming Paschal Solemnity.
That those in need may find assistance in the charity of faithful Christians and that peace and security may be firmly established in all places.
For strength to resist temptation, and the humility to sincerely repent of sin.
That through fasting and self-denial, we may be ever more conformed to Christ.
For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.
Mercifully hear, O Lord, the prayers of your Church and turn with compassion to the hearts that bow before you, that those you make sharers in your divine mystery may always benefit from your assistance.

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