Friday, February 9, 2018

5th Week in OT 2018 - Friday - Healing divided kingdoms and divided hearts

Scripture portrays Solomon's reign as the high point of Jewish political and economic history. King Solomon’s riches and wisdom surpassed all the kings of the earth. His kingdom was so formidable that for years he never even had to fight a war.

In a prophetic gesture, Ahijah the prophet ripped his coat into 12 pieces to show how Solomon's seemingly invincible kingdom would be torn to pieces. Ahijah's shocking prophecy soon proved true when civil war divided the country after Solomon's death.

Jesus teaches that “Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste.” President Lincoln quoted this verse when speaking about our divided nation during the civil war. The most established, endowed, seemingly impregnable, and developed organizations and systems will quickly collapse if the hearts of people are not entirely with the Lord. Sin has a terrifying power to bring division in any human endeavor--in governments, dioceses, parishes, families, and marriages. 

In less than a week we begin the season of Lent. The devil fears Lent because it can be a time of great spiritual healing, where the causes of division in our organizations and in our hearts are uprooted and mended by our Lenten prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

Throughout the Gospels Jesus healed people physically as a sign of the deeper spiritual healing he came to bring to all mankind. He opened the ears of the deaf and freed the tongues of the dumb and speech-impaired as a sign that He would open our ears so that we can have a greater faith and open our mouths to proclaim that faith.

The Lord will heal the wounds of sin and division, he will heal our spiritual deafness, dumbness, blindness, our spiritual paralysis, he will make our families and parishes endure, if we let him, if we allow him to reign over our hearts.

We can open ourselves to receive deep spiritual healing and transformation by engaging rigorously in the Lenten practices, by repenting of sin, and committing to living and sharing the Gospel for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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For the Holy Father’s prayer intention for the month of February, that those who have material, political or spiritual power may resist any lure of corruption.

For those who have fallen away from the Church, for those who have fallen into serious sin, for those who have lost faith in God, for those who reject Church authority, for all troubled marriages, for the healing of all sin and division.

For all the needs of the sick and the suffering, the homebound, those in nursing homes and hospitals, the underemployed and unemployed, immigrants and refugees, victims of natural disaster, war, and terrorism, for all those who grieve the loss of a loved one, and those who will die today, for their comfort, and the consolation of their families.

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

Incline your merciful ear to our prayers, we ask, O Lord, and listen in kindness to the supplications of those who call on you. Through Christ our Lord

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