Friday, October 6, 2017

October 6 2017 - St. Bruno - Silence: A simple and joyful rest, full of God

The Christian Philosopher Svoren Kierkegaard said if he were a doctor he would prescribe as a remedy for all the world’s disorders, “silence”. St. Bruno, who we honor today would certainly agree.
St. Bruno said, “In the solitude and silence...God gives his athletes the reward they desire: a peace that the world does not know and joy in the Holy Spirit." Saint Bruno was the founder of the Carthusians.  Since its founding by St. Bruno, the Carthusian way of life has gone unchanged, following Bruno’s ideal of penance and prayer for almost 950 years.

950 years ago, St. Bruno was urging Christians to withdraw from the noise of the world. What would he say about the noise of our age? He would certainly see it as a danger spiritual growth, as we all know well…it is!

The contemplative seeks out silence, because silence is the excellent means to deep union with God. About 400 years before Bruno, St. John Climacus wrote that “the lover of silence draws close to God. He talks to him in secret and God enlightens him.” “Intelligent silence is the mother of prayer, freedom from bondage, custodian of zeal, a guard on our thoughts, a watch on our enemies, a prison of mourning, a friend of tears, a sure recollection of death, a painter of penance, a concern with judgment, a servant of anguish, a foe of license, a companion of stillness, the opponent of dogmatism, a growth of knowledge, a hand to shape contemplation, hidden progress, the secret journey upward.”

Each of us would do well to discern what we could do to carve out more space for silence in our lives. Through silence the Lord wishes to bring us a peace that the world does not know and joy in the Holy Spirit.

In silent contemplation, God wishes to speak important, life-giving words to us. But that means we need to incline our ear to Him, by turning away from the noise makers.

Bruno said “the ambience of solitude, the absence of any disturbing noise and of worldly desires and images, the quiet and calm attention of the mind to God, helped by prayer and leisurely reading, flow into that rest of the soul in God. A simple and joyful rest, full of God, that leads the monk to feel, in some way, the beauty of eternal life.”

May we cultivate the prayer, the spiritual reading, the solitude, the silence, which helps our souls rest in God for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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That the contemplative religious orders of the Church may inspire all Christians to seek God in moments of prayer, silence, and solitude.

That world leaders may look upon the Son of God, believe in him, and seek the peace and justice that only he can bring.

That our young people may take seriously the missionary call of Christ, that they will turn away from the evils of our culture to spread the good news of Christ’s eternal kingdom.

For all whose lives are marked by suffering may come to know the healing and peace of Christ.
For the deceased members of our families, friends, and parish, and all the poor souls in purgatory, for deceased clergy and religious, and for those who have fought and died for our freedom.

O God, you know that our life in this present age is subject to suffering and need, hear the prayers of those who cry to you and receive the prayers of those who believe in you. Through Christ our Lord.

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