Monday, September 12, 2016

Homily: Sept 12 2016 - The Holy Name of Mary

For many years, about 200 years actually in our own country, Mary was the most, or nearly the most popular name for baby girls. Around 1970 the name slipped out of the top 10, and starting in about 2009, Mary is no longer even in the top 100. Certainly, this is an indicator of a loss of reverence for the mother of Jesus; no doubt it corresponds to a decline in the practice of the Catholic faith. To our modern culture, there is little reverence for the name of Jesus, the name of Mary, the name of God is blasphemed on nearly every television show.

In Scripture, names reflect the type of person, aspects of their character. The name Jacob means trickster. Prophesying about the consolation of Israel, Isaiah’s name means “May God save”. Sometimes names are changed to indicate a change of personality or vocation: Abram’s name is changed to Abraham after God promises that he will be the father of a great nation. Of course, God, too, has many names in Scripture, and reveals his own mysterious name to Moses.

Calling upon the name of God in Scripture is always connected with adoring him and worshiping him rightly. God reveals his name so that we might love Him.

Though, Mary, her name meaning ‘beautiful’, and truly she is the most beautiful soul ever created by God, Mary was a truly humble woman, living a hidden life in the poor Judean countryside. If not for the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, her name may never have been preserved, recorded in Scripture, or passed down through the generations of Christians. But her is name is known and loved. We are meant to invoke her by name, to honor her, and love her.

When we speak her name with love, we imitate our Lord Jesus; for did Jesus not call upon her with love, with filial devotion? We are faithful to Jesus, who told us, “take her as your own mother” when we love Mary as our mother.

When we invoke the name of Mary, we implore the aid of the woman who nursed, cared for, nurtured the Savior of mankind, who must have brought him so much consolation as he carried his cross; we place ourselves under her protection.

We do well to call upon her in times of temptation, for God has made humble Mary “full of grace”—powerful in His victory over the powers of evil, sin, and death. We do well to call upon her in times of trial asking her help to carry our own crosses. And like a child pointing out something delightful or beautiful to his mother, pronouncing her name in times of joy and thanksgiving throughout the day. 
May her name truly be "undying on our lips". We call upon the Holy name of Mary to help us become Holy, to help us to be faithful, to be humble instruments of God’s grace, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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