Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Homily: October 6 2016 - St. Bruno - School Mass

Today, boys and girls, we celebrate the feast day of a saint whom you may never have heard of before, who lived almost a thousand years ago.  His name was Saint Bruno, and he has something very important to teach us this morning.

St. Bruno began a group of monks called the Carthusians.  St. Bruno started the Carthusians for men and women who wanted to withdraw from the chaos of the world in order to seek a deep, lively, joyful relationship with Jesus Christ.

St. Bruno said, “In the solitude and silence of the wilderness…God gives his athletes the reward they desire: a peace and joy in the Holy Spirit that the world does not.” He called his monks “athletes”.  Most of us think of athletes as baseball players, football players, basketball players, cross country runners, volleyball players. And just like football players and cross country runners, need to practice, and train, and compete to reach their goal, the monk and nun take their spiritual life very seriously.  And when you learn to pray and serve God like Saint Bruno and his monks, you will know a joy and peace that no earthly prize, no earthly trophy, no spot on your favorite team, not even an Olympic medal can give you.  You may be the best athlete on the team, or in the world, but that doesn’t you are a good disciple of Jesus.  And that’s why we’ve been placed on this earth, not to win trophies, but to follow Jesus with our whole heart mind and soul so that we can be with God and His Saints in Heaven.

Saint Bruno gave his monks a motto to live by, and of course, living 1000 years ago, he gave it in latin: Stat crux dum volvitur orbis.  “While the world changes, the cross stands firm.” What does that mean? Boys and girls, that means you are part of something ancient and powerful.  The cross of Christ will remain the road to heaven no matter who the president is, what kind of scientific marvels are invented, whether “one direction” or “Justin Bieber” is topping the charts, as the world changes, the cross of Jesus Christ is the road to heaven that does not change.  It is likely boys and girls, as you grow up, and become the next generation of adult catholics, the world is going to change.  Maybe for better, if the way people are treating each other in 2015 is any indicator, maybe for worse.  The world is going to change, but communion with God through Jesus Christ, carrying the cross, will remain the only way to heaven.

May you walk as his disciple this day and all days.  May St. Bruno remind you of how so many worldly pursuits can hinder you and take away your joy, but seeking Jesus with all your heart is your peace and joy this day and all days, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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