Monday, October 20, 2014

Homily: October 20 - St. Paul of the Cross - Manifesting the wonders of the Cross

The saint we honor today was born the son of a wealthy merchant near Genoa Italy, in 1694.  He received his early education from the Capuchin Franciscans.  Even as a young boy he was marked with great sanctity.  Not only did he excel in his studies, but he was deeply reverent, and devoted to prayer, especially to Holy Mass.

Shortly after his confirmation, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Him in a vision wearing an all-black habit.  This became the habit of the order he would found, called the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ, known today as the Passionists. 

The Passionist rule included dime daily for seclusion, penance, and several hours of contemplation of the Passion of Christ.  They wore long black tunics made of rough cloth with the words “the passion of Christ” inscribed within a white heart. 

Paul of the Cross became a very popular preacher, traveling bear-foot throughout Italy, preaching the Passion of Jesus.  He attracted large crowds and was responsible for many conversions and miracles. 
Passionists to this day visit parishes and seminaries preaching and helping us more deeply conform ourselves to Christ’s passion.  Paul of the Cross is one of the patron saints of evangelists.

There are many amazing stories from his life.  One time while he was preaching, it began to rain, but not a drop fell upon him or anyone that remained close enough to listen to him.  Another time, at the close of a parish mission, a child had an terrible accidental fall and died.  The distraught parents brought Paul of the Cross to the lifeless child, and he prayed silently over the child, and its life was restored.

Paul, also had visions of the souls suffering in Purgatory, and one time his guardian angel actually took him, in spirit, to purgatory where he was allowed to experience what the holy souls there had to suffer.  After this extraordinary grace, he offered all of his sufferings for their satisfaction and encouraged others to do the same. 

After Paul’s death there were numerous miracles attributed to his intercession which were used as evidence in his Canonization Process.

St. Paul wrote, “It is very good and holy to consider the Passion of our Lord and to meditate on it, for by this sacred path we reach union with God.  In this most holy school we learn true wisdom.” 

Paul contemplated the supreme love that God showed us in the Passion of His Son, God gave Paul mystical insight and wisdom and special gifts of grace.  His life was marked out by a spirit of penance, a love of poverty, and a desire for prayer and solitude.  As he proclaimed the rich harvest of salvation, his words and example brought back to God countless sinners who had strayed from him.  Through his intercession may we keep before our eyes always the Passion of Christ for the glory of God and salvation of souls. 

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