All of this week, our Gospel readings are taken from the
sixth chapter of Saint John’s Gospel. The
sixth chapter of John is usually known as the “Bread of Life Discourse” because
in it, Jesus speaks of Himself, as we heard today, as the Bread of Life. In fact, Jesus refers to himself as the
‘Bread of Life’ 11 times.
St. John Vianney said, “The soul hungers for God, and nothing but God can
satiate it. Therefore He came to dwell on earth and assumed a Body in
order that this Body might become the Food of our souls"
In the years leading up to my own ordination as a priest, I
realized a deepening desire for the Eucharist.
Occasionally, there would be days where I couldn’t get to daily Mass,
and I would feel spiritually famished, something was missing; I’d feel a real
emptiness and hunger inside me. Many of
you could probably relate.
Spiritual hunger is different than physical hunger. With physical food, the more I eat the less
hungry I am. With the spiritual food
that God gives, the more I eat, the more I hunger.
This is also why 75% of Catholics who do not go to Church
are not banging on the doors to receive the Eucharist which they have denied
themselves. With spiritual food, the
less you eat, the less you notice the hunger.
Plenty of false spiritual food from our culture is available
every minute of the day; the false spiritual food leaves us unhappy and
Saint John Paul II wrote in one of his last letters to the
Church: “God has placed in human hearts a “hunger” which will be satisfied only
by full union with him. Eucharistic communion was given so that we might be
“sated” with God here on earth, in expectation of our complete fulfillment in
No philosophy or scientific discovery or piece of
technology or earthy pursuit can satisfy
our spiritual cravings. No amount of
money, success, fame, or power. Only
Jesus can fully satisfy.
When Jesus is fully embraced we discover he fills all
emptiness and satisfies forever. For the
glory of God and salvation of souls!
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