Friday, October 4, 2013

Homily: October 4 - St. Francis of Assisi - "Francis, rebuild my Church"

Pope Innocent\'s Dream by Giotto

It didn't take long after Francis renounced his possessions and adopted radical Gospel poverty that he attracted a small brotherhood who wished to emulate his way of life.

In 1209, Francis traveled to Rome with this group, to meet the newly elected Pope Innocent III and receive the Church's approval for this group of friars.

At the time, there were many heretical groups in Italy, particularly  dangerous were the Cathari, who were very hostile towards the institutional Church.  So initially, Pope Innocent was hesitant to approve this group of itinerant preachers calling themselves the Friars Minor.

The night after meeting Francis, Pope Innocent had a dream.  Pope Innocent dreamt he stood looking out over the Lateran Church and watched with fear as the proud and ancient building shook, the tower swung, and the walls began to crack, it was in danger of collapsing in on itself. Suddenly, a small common looking man came towards the Lateran. He was dressed in peasant garb, was barefoot, and wore a rope around his waist for a belt. Rushing to the falling Church, he set his shoulder in under the wall and with a mighty push straightened the whole falling church, so that it again stood aright. The pope then recognized the man as Francis of Assisi.

The Pope interpreted his dream to mean that St. Francis would been instrumental in reforming and strengthening the Catholic Church.

This story is very interesting, especially in light of the story where St. Francis knelt in prayer in the crumbling San Damiano chapel.  As Francis knelt and prayed in front of the crucifix, Jesus began to speak to him, saying, “Francis, rebuild my Church.”

Francis, initially took this literally, but Francis shows us that the Church is truly renewed by the Saints who devote themselves to Christ and live and preach the Gospel.

The Church of Francis' time was beset by heresy and also luxurious and opulent living amongst the clergy.  By preaching and living the Gospel Francis worked for true reform, simply by living the Gospel and preaching the Truth.

I don't know if these stories were in the Holy Father's mind when he chose the name Francis.  But we pray for Pope Francis today on the feast day of his namesake.  That he, and along with all bishop, clergy, Church leaders, and all Christians, will work for authentic renewal in the Church through faithfulness to the Gospel.

We are not all called to the radical poverty of St. Francis, but we are surely called to a spiritual detachment from our possessions, that all we have might be put in service to the Gospel of the Lord Jesus for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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