Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Homily: Octave of Easter - Tuesday - Preaching the Good News

Throughout the Easter season we hear the saga of the Acts of the Apostles.  We hear how the message of Jesus’ Resurrection impels believers to spread the Good News.  Once the Apostles get over their initial shock and fear, these men who were mostly fishermen , go out and preach as they were commissioned by the Lord to do—knowing the message to be true—having witnessed Christ death and glorious Resurrection.

So, 50 Days after Easter, on the first Pentecost, Saint Peter emerged from the upper room with the other Apostles, filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to preach.  His sermon was the first public proclamation of Jesus’ Resurrection: his audience, the citizens of Jerusalem.

He stands up, in front of these people, some of whom, may have been the very same who called “crucify him, crucify him” at Jesus’ trial before Pilate, they very same people who watched as Jesus carried the cross through the streets of Jerusalem, so  may have heard the nails being pounded into Jesus’ hands and feet.  

And now Peter, stands before all of these people, and says, “This man, Jesus the Nazarean, whose mighty deeds and wonders and signs pointed to the fact that he was sent by God…you killed, you crucified him.  But God raised him up…So now, “Let the whole house of Israel know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.””

So powerful was this speech, that Luke tells us today “it cut the audience to the heart”, and they turned to Peter and the Apostles and asked, “what they should do”?  Peter answered, “repent and be baptized”.  And about 3000 were baptized!

This is the same Peter, who denied Jesus out of fear.  He is now filled with courage and conviction. 

On the first page of the Catechism we read: “All Christ's faithful are called to hand on [the Gospel] from generation to generation, by professing the faith, by living it in fraternal sharing, and by celebrating it in liturgy and prayer.”

Throughout the Easter season, we will hear the Gospel message begin to spread throughout Galilee and the world through the courageous preaching and works of the Apostles.

We spent Lent in prayer and penance to prepare for the reception of the Easter message.  Now, filled with Easter conviction, we need to be attentive and obedient to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit who wishes to use us to continue to draw converts to Christ for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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