Monday, July 8, 2024

14th Week in Ordinary Time 2024 - Monday - God, the Divine Lover

 Last week, our first readings were taken exclusively from the prophet Amos. Remember, Amos, born in the south, was called by God up to the northern kingdom of Israel, to preach during the reign of Jeroboam II, a time of prosperity, for some. The rich were getting richer by exploiting the poor. Idol worship also was prevalent during this time.

Today we began reading from the prophet Hosea. Now Hosea was a native of the north during this period of exploitation and social injustice and idolatry. Hosea’s ministry overlapped with the tail end of Amos’ prophetic campaign. 

And Hosea will pick up right where Amos left off: condemning injustice and religious deviance. Like Amos, Hosea called for repentance and a return to true worship of God and warned of impending judgment if the people didn't change their ways. 

While their message was similar, Hosea would adopt a different approach—his approach was much more emotional. Hosea described God and Israel as lovers, but Israel had turned her back on God her faithful husband and began an adulterous affair with the idols of the world. 

And although  he has been betrayed, Hosea portrays God as loving, faithful, longsuffering, who, while deeply betrayed by Israel's unfaithfulness, God pursues reconciliation.

So, in our reading today, we hear how God describes his plan to lead Israel into the desert that place where he provided for Israel during the exodus and He will appeal to her heart—he will remind Israel of the tender, personal communication, they once shared—he will make a heartfelt plea for Israel to return to the loving and forgiving arms of her husband. God hopes that the love that they had in the beginning would be rekindled—the early days of Israel in which Israel was faithful and zealous for God.

This passage shows that God continues to pursue a relationship with us even when we've been unfaithful. God is always ready to welcome us back when we’ve sinned. So too, God desires a personal, deeply felt relationship with us—he desires to speak to our hearts in prayer every day. A genuine relationship with God involves a deep, experiential knowledge of Him. This includes intellectual understanding of his ways, but a personal, lived experience of God in the concrete details of our life.

It's never too late to start anew in our relationship with God, rekindling the passion and commitment we may have lost. We do well to examine our personal relationship with God from time to time, and ensure that we are striving for a deep connection with God based on love. A healthy relationship with God affects all aspects of our lives - our moral choices, our emotions, our leisure activities, our involvement in our parish and politics. Everything. 

May we know God’s deep abiding presence with us by turning away from our sins and living in the embrace of his love for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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For the Church, that we may always be open to God's loving pursuit and respond with faithfulness and zeal. Let us pray to the Lord.

For those who feel distant from God, that they may experience His tender call and find the courage to turn to His embrace. Let us pray to the Lord.

For our society, that we may recognize and address the exploitation of the poor and vulnerable, fostering justice and compassion and that our world, often torn by conflict and division, may experience God's reconciling love and work together for peace and unity. Let us pray to the Lord

For all believers, that we may deepen our personal relationship with God through sincere prayer and lived experience of His presence and for those struggling with idolatry in various forms, that they may turn away from false gods and find true fulfillment in God's love. Let us pray to the Lord.

For the sick, the impoverished, the lonely, those suffering from mental illness, those most in need, and those near death: may God, through the loving mercy of the Precious Blood of Jesus, be close to them in their trials.

And that all those redeemed by the Precious Blood of Jesus may come to the glory of heaven, especially X for whom this mass is offered.

Loving and faithful God, you pursue us with unending love, even when we stray from Your paths. Grant us what we truly need to remain in right relationship with you and to be faithful in serving your Holy Will. Through Christ our Lord. 

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