Friday, May 31, 2024

May 31 2024 - Feast of the Visitation - Living in harmony with God

 On this final day of May, the month dedicated to our Blessed Mother, we honor Our Lady in celebrating the joyful feast of her visitation to her kinswoman Elizabeth pregnant in her old age.

Even though Mary had just experienced a life altering event of her own at the annunciation, she leaves the comfort of her home to assist her pregnant kinswoman Elizabeth in haste. Mary doesn’t remain isolated in anxious worrying about the unknown challenges of her vocation as Mother to the Son of God.  Rather, she set out on a mission of charity without fearful hesitation. 

Mary is clearly motivated by love and a desire to live a life that is pleasing to God—in harmony with God. After all, it was God’s angel who made known to Mary Elizabeth’s need.  Mary is attuned to Elizabeth’s difficult pregnancy because God is attuned to Elizabeth’s difficult pregnancy. 

There is a Greek new testament word—αρεσκειν (ar-ay-skein)—which is translated to mean that a person is pleasing to God and also in harmony with God. And Mary is the new testament character that exemplifies both meanings of the word—she is most pleasing to God because she is the most in harmony with Him—so much so, that she is able to say, in all honestly and humility—that her soul truly magnifies the Lord—in other words, you can come to know more about God by looking at her soul. 

Mary’s life, actions, and words point to God's magnificence and mercy, effectively "enlarging" or enhancing the perception of God's greatness to those around her. In every single one of the instances in the Gospels where we read of Mary—she is magnifying the Lord—at the annunciation, at the visitation, the nativity, the wedding at Cana, at the cross, at Pentecost—she is showing that God is worthy of our faith, our obedience, our love, our trust, our prayers and worship.

And like her, despite the challenges of our life—our family dramas, health concerns, and financial challenges—we are called to live in harmony with God, in ways that our pleasing to God—in charity, patience, purity, generosity, and trust. 

God sent Mary in the messiness of Elizabeth’s life, and he sends us into the messiness of the world to magnify his presence through lives that are attuned to Him. 

Though the month of May now draws to an end, may we continue to look to the Blessed Virgin Mary as the model of holiness to which God calls each of us for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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To Our Lady’s most powerful intercession, we commend ourselves and the entire Church to God.

That Our Lady may bring constant guidance and assistance to the Holy Father and the Bishops in their apostolic mission, and aid all who help them in their work. 

That all government leaders may be awakened to the supreme dignity of each human life, and that all people of our nation may work together for an end to the culture of death. 

Mary was chosen as the uncorrupted ark of God’s presence, may we live always free from the corruption of sin.

Mary is the help of all Christians and comforter of the afflicted, may she bear God’s gifts of healing, strength, and peace, to all of the sick and the suffering.

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

We pray, O Lord our God, that the Virgin Mary, who merited to bear God and man in her chaste womb, may commend the prayers of your faithful in your sight.

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