Friday, May 31, 2024

May 31 2024 - Feast of the Visitation - Living in harmony with God

 On this final day of May, the month dedicated to our Blessed Mother, we honor Our Lady in celebrating the joyful feast of her visitation to her kinswoman Elizabeth pregnant in her old age.

Even though Mary had just experienced a life altering event of her own at the annunciation, she leaves the comfort of her home to assist her pregnant kinswoman Elizabeth in haste. Mary doesn’t remain isolated in anxious worrying about the unknown challenges of her vocation as Mother to the Son of God.  Rather, she set out on a mission of charity without fearful hesitation. 

Mary is clearly motivated by love and a desire to live a life that is pleasing to God—in harmony with God. After all, it was God’s angel who made known to Mary Elizabeth’s need.  Mary is attuned to Elizabeth’s difficult pregnancy because God is attuned to Elizabeth’s difficult pregnancy. 

There is a Greek new testament word—αρεσκειν (ar-ay-skein)—which is translated to mean that a person is pleasing to God and also in harmony with God. And Mary is the new testament character that exemplifies both meanings of the word—she is most pleasing to God because she is the most in harmony with Him—so much so, that she is able to say, in all honestly and humility—that her soul truly magnifies the Lord—in other words, you can come to know more about God by looking at her soul. 

Mary’s life, actions, and words point to God's magnificence and mercy, effectively "enlarging" or enhancing the perception of God's greatness to those around her. In every single one of the instances in the Gospels where we read of Mary—she is magnifying the Lord—at the annunciation, at the visitation, the nativity, the wedding at Cana, at the cross, at Pentecost—she is showing that God is worthy of our faith, our obedience, our love, our trust, our prayers and worship.

And like her, despite the challenges of our life—our family dramas, health concerns, and financial challenges—we are called to live in harmony with God, in ways that our pleasing to God—in charity, patience, purity, generosity, and trust. 

God sent Mary in the messiness of Elizabeth’s life, and he sends us into the messiness of the world to magnify his presence through lives that are attuned to Him. 

Though the month of May now draws to an end, may we continue to look to the Blessed Virgin Mary as the model of holiness to which God calls each of us for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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To Our Lady’s most powerful intercession, we commend ourselves and the entire Church to God.

That Our Lady may bring constant guidance and assistance to the Holy Father and the Bishops in their apostolic mission, and aid all who help them in their work. 

That all government leaders may be awakened to the supreme dignity of each human life, and that all people of our nation may work together for an end to the culture of death. 

Mary was chosen as the uncorrupted ark of God’s presence, may we live always free from the corruption of sin.

Mary is the help of all Christians and comforter of the afflicted, may she bear God’s gifts of healing, strength, and peace, to all of the sick and the suffering.

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

We pray, O Lord our God, that the Virgin Mary, who merited to bear God and man in her chaste womb, may commend the prayers of your faithful in your sight.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

8th Week of Ordinary Time 2024 - Wednesday - Thus passes the glory of the world

 For just about 550 years there was a ritual that part of the papal coronation ceremony—where the new Pope would be crowned with the papal tiara—a symbol of his authority and leadership. As the newly chosen Pope was carried on the sedia gestatoria—the ceremonial chair—the procession stopped three times.

And on each occasion, the papal master of ceremonies would fall to his knees before the Pope, holding a torch of burning flax—the flowering plant from which we make linen. 

As the flax burned away, the Papal MC would say in a loud and mournful voice, "Pater Sancte, sic transit gloria mundi!" "Holy Father, thus passes the glory of the world!" 

That phrase, sic transit gloria mundi seems to be borrowed from Thomas of Kempis’ great spiritual work, The Imitation of Christ , which states “O quam cito transit gloria mundi”—oh how quickly passes the glory of the world. 

These words, addressed to the Pope, served as a reminder of the finite nature of earthly life and honors—how quickly his pontificate would end, and he would face his Lord and judge. The task of the Christian, from the Pope down to the smallest child is to live, not for earthly honors, but for greatness in the kingdom of heaven.

The last Pope to have witnessed this ceremony by the way, is the Pope whose feast day is today, Pope Paul Paul VI, who was canonized just six years ago in 2018. 

I bring up this, now abrogated ritual, because it’s roots seems to stem from sentiments not simply from Thomas of Kempis but both of our readings today.

St. Peter in his first new testament epistle reminds the Church  to value not the perishable things like silver or gold—and silver and gold can last for a really long time—but in the end—they turn to dust. And they do not contain what is truly life giving. Rather, we are to find our life in the blood of Christ and the imperishable Word of God.  

In the Gospel today, two of the apostles are arguing about greatness in the kingdom of heaven. And we get the impression that they are thinking in terms of worldly greatness—they want thrones and crowns and notoriety and power. But the Lord Jesus teaches them, again that greatness in the kingdom of heaven comes from uniting one’s life to God in imitation of the self-sacrifice he will offer to the Father for the salvation of the world.

Greatness comes from one’s share in the chalice of Christ’s crucifixion—his obediential suffering—his self-donation out of love for humanity.

Now of course, part of that path to heavenly greatness is to cultivate our minds and hearts and abilities. But as Christians, all that we have, and all that we are, and all that we have yet to become, are to be put in God’s service—not for worldly, but heavenly glory.

May each of us share in the chalice of Christ to the extent that it is offered to us by God—making use of the opportunities God gives us to be faithful in his service for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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That Christians may respond generously to the perpetual call to holiness through prayer, fasting, and works of charity. 

For our young people beginning summer vacation, that they may be kept safe from the errors of our culture and kept in close friendship with Jesus through prayer and acts of mercy.

That during this month of May, all people may turn their hearts to the Blessed Virgin Mary, seeking her aid and imploring her intercession with increased and fervent devotion, imitating her example of Faith, Hope, and Love.

For all the needs of the sick and the suffering, the homebound, those in nursing homes and hospitals, the underemployed and unemployed, immigrants and refugees, victims of natural disaster, war, and terrorism, for all those who grieve the loss of a loved one, and those who will die today, for their comfort, and the consolation of their families.

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

Incline your merciful ear to our prayers, we ask, O Lord, and listen in kindness to the supplications of those who call on you. Through Christ our Lord

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

8th Week of Ordinary Time 2024 - Tuesday - The last shall be first


In the ancient world, wealth, power, and privilege were considered signs of blessing from God. But the Lord gives a contrary teaching. 

“Many that are first will be last, and the last will be first". Here Jesus reverses the expectation of the worldly minded.  

Greatness in the kingdom of God comes not from power, but humility, not from wealth, but generosity, not in gaining possessions, but in giving oneself away. 

And to the extent that we give ourselves away in loving service—we will find meaning, happiness, fulfillment, and joy that nothing else in the world can give. It is by giving ourselves away—giving of our time, talent and resources, that we store up treasure in heaven.

In yesterday’s Gospel passage from St. Mark, we heard of the rich man who goes away sad after his encounter with Jesus. He had asked the Lord what it takes to inherit eternal life, and the Lord instructed the rich man to go and sell his possessions and follow him.

Due to his unwillingness to detach from his possessions, the rich man departs from Jesus, not with the joy of discipleship, but with sadness. There is always sadness when we are unwilling to follow where Jesus beckons, to give-up with God invites us to give-up!

Jesus is the model and master of self-giving. He doesn’t just tell us the way to heaven, he shows us the way through his self-emptying, his self-giving, his total donation of himself to the Father.

May we seek that holiness of life shown to us by Our Lord, and thus come to share with him in the joys of heaven for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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That Christians may respond generously to the perpetual call to holiness through prayer, fasting, and works of charity. 

For our young people beginning summer vacation, that they may be kept safe from the errors of our culture and kept in close friendship with Jesus through prayer and acts of mercy.

That during this month of May, all people may turn their hearts to the Blessed Virgin Mary, seeking her aid and imploring her intercession with increased and fervent devotion, imitating her example of Faith, Hope, and Love.

For all the needs of the sick and the suffering, the homebound, those in nursing homes and hospitals, the underemployed and unemployed, immigrants and refugees, victims of natural disaster, war, and terrorism, for all those who grieve the loss of a loved one, and those who will die today, for their comfort, and the consolation of their families.

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

Incline your merciful ear to our prayers, we ask, O Lord, and listen in kindness to the supplications of those who call on you. Through Christ our Lord

Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day 2024 - Love of God, family, and country

 “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”  asks the man in today’s Gospel. Amidst all of our many earthly concerns—concerns about family, health, nation, and community—obtaining eternal life must be our ultimate aim. “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, if he loses his soul?”

In answer to the man’s profound question about obtaining eternal life, the Lord teaches the importance of following the commandments of God, while also stressing the need to surrender one’s entire life to God. 

“Go, sell everything, and follow me”, means that everything we have is to be put at the feet of Jesus. If we hope to attain eternal life with God, our whole lives, our possessions and our relationships are to be oriented to God and placed in God’s service. All that I am and all that I have is to be offered to God. 

Jesus himself models for us that total orientation we owe to God in his self-giving on the cross, his total self-offering to the Father. This passage challenges us to consider what it means for each of us to “go, sell everything, and follow him in order to more fully and deeply orient our lives to God in imitation of Christ. 

On this Memorial Day, we also consider the honor we owe those who fought and died for our country’s freedom. Participating in Memorial Day festivities in no way detracts from the honor we owe to God, rather, remembering and honoring those who sacrificed something for you is a godly thing.

St. Thomas Aquinas said: "After God, man is chiefly indebted to his parents and to his country, and, therefore, just as religion must render worship to God, so, to a lesser degree, piety must pay honor to parents and to country."

So, love of country and honor of those who sacrificed their lives for our country’s highest ideals is a godly thing. We are the inheritors of the blessings of freedom, and we have a duty to live in a grateful manner for those blessings.

Over a million and a half servicemen and women fought and died in our wars and battles over the many years: a million and a half men and women who put service before self for the country they loved, for ideals which serve as the foundation of freedom, for a better and more secure future for their family, friends, and even total strangers.

We honor them by remembering them and honoring them with parades and civic exercises, yes, but most importantly utilizing those freedoms to grow in virtue, not to squander our freedoms on vain pursuits, but striving to develop our minds and characters to become worthy of their sacrifice: to raise our families, to educate our children, to be responsible in our duties toward God, family, and nation for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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Let us pray to our Heavenly Father, confident that He is generous to those who call upon Him with faith.

On this Memorial Day, we pray that our nation may live with ever-greater gratitude for the sacrifice of those who fought and died for our freedom. Let us pray to the Lord.

For our President and all government workers, may the Holy Spirit grant them wisdom and guide them to promote authentic and lasting peace in the world, respect for religious freedom, and a greater reverence for the sanctity of Human Life. Let us pray to the Lord.

For the protection of all those who serve in our nation’s military, and for all wounded servicemen and women, for all those widowed and orphaned because of war. Let us pray to the Lord.

For the repose of the souls of our beloved dead, for all of the poor souls in purgatory, for the deceased members of our family, friends, and parish, and for those who have fought and died for our freedom, and for N… Let us pray to the Lord.

Gracious Father, hear the prayers of your pilgrim Church, grant us your grace and lead us to the glory of your kingdom, through Christ Our Lord.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Trinity Sunday 2024 - Deliverance from false gods and empty promises

 Last week, we had a strange occurrence here at St. Ignatius. On Friday morning, as we were opening up for school, we found a three and a half foot painting leaning up against the statue of St. Ignatius at the parking lot entrance. It took us a while to figure out what it was a painting of. But after some internet research, it turned out that the painting was undeniably an image of a Sumerian deity--the pagan goddess known as Ishtar—or Ashtaroth--inthe old testament. I’ve seen a lot of interesting things in this neighborhood, but this was a new one for me. 

We couldn’t help speculating where this strange painting came from. Perhaps it was used in some of the witchcraft prevalent in our neighborhood. But in the end, who knows. For whatever reason, someone wanted to get rid of this thing. I’d like to hope that may it was someone’s way of giving up belief in a false god in exchange for faith in the one true God, whom we celebrate today—the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

That’s our hope, isn’t it? That’s what we labor for. That’s why the Church exists, right? To witness to the one true God. To help souls come to know Him, love Him, and serve Him. From the lips of Jesus in the Gospel this weekend, we heard our marching orders: Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” 

And I’d like to think that this pagan image being left on church property is a sign that we’re doing our job. That our labors are having an effect. That our parish—all of us, brothers and sisters in the Lord, are bringing about some good. That God is working in us and through us, to deliver souls from their false gods. 

So let’s keep it up: the prayers for the conversion of the pagans and non-believers of this neighborhood—the works of mercy-the witness of our striving to conform our lives to Jesus Christ. Let’s keep it up. It works. 

In the first reading today from the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy, Moses is giving a sort of catechetical lesson—a doctrinal instruction to the Israelites on the One True God. And what does he say? That the God of Israel is the only God in the heavens above and on the earth below. We say the same thing in our Creed, every week: I believe in one God, Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.

And remember, these people, whom Moses is teaching, had been in a culture that worshipped a whole pantheon of gods—the gods of Egypt. And they were about to enter the promised land, which was still filled with a bunch of different peoples who worshipped a whole other pantheon—the gods of Canaan. 

And he instructs the Israelites so that they’ll cling to the One True God by obeying his statutes and commandments and loving Him with their whole hearts minds, souls, and strength.

We, too, show our fidelity and our belief in God by following his commandments. Our obedience to the commands of God marks us as believers. Whether in private or public, Catholics are to act differently and speak differently than the rest of the world. We are to show to the world the freedom that comes from our relationship with God.

This is why Paul writes in our second reading, that Christians are not given a spirit of slavery to fall back into our old pagan ways, but a spirit of adoption, which enables us to cry out to God as Father. Unlike the pagans who are still enslaved to their emotions and bodily passions and worldly influences, Christians experience that freedom that Our Father wants for us—freedom from patterns of sin and selfishness and resentment and violence. 

Our Faith is truly salvific and healing and liberating, which is why we are excited about sharing it with others. Because the freedom from error and sin and selfishness that we come to experience, we want others to experience, don’t we? We know that the one true God of the universe loves us and calls us to holiness, and we want others to know that as well. So that they can know the goodness of God, the peace of God, the strength and power of God, that animates our lives.

St. Paul goes on to say,  that “The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit.” In other words, God uses the Christians whose lives are changed and filled with God’s presence to to witness to the freedom and salvation offered to humanity through Jesus Christ. God wants to use me and you to draw souls to himself. 

And when the presence of God can be detected in us, when we’ve cultivated those gifts of the Spirit, well that’s very attractive to those who are wandering around in the darkness of the world, who continue to be unfilled by the false gods of the world.  Our task is to witness to God through the Christian way of life.

In his great 20th century document on evangelizing the modern world, Pope Paul VI wrote, “It is by her conduct and by her life that the Church will evangelize the world, in other words, by her living witness of fidelity to the Lord Jesus—the witness of poverty and detachment, of freedom in the face of the powers of this world, in short, the witness of sanctity.”

So again, God uses our witness of being detached from the things of the world and the powers of the world and the false gods of the world, to bring souls to himself.

But then Pope Paul wrote, “it is not superfluous to emphasize the importance and necessity of preaching… Preaching, the verbal proclamation of a message, is indeed always indispensable.”

Pope Paul, that first Pope of the modern world, echoes the timeless instruction of Jesus—that we must teach and preach by our conduct and by our words, in order to bring souls to faith—faith which includes a living relationship with God through Christ and His Church.

What a powerful message for us to consider: how and in what ways, by my conduct and my words and my manner of life, does God wish to use me to set souls free. 

And that’s a profound calling. God involves us in his work of salvation. And consider that any one of us might be the only mass going Christian, the only believer that some people out there (or maybe even in our own families) might encounter. And so we have a responsibility to that people that we encounter out there, to cultivate that holiness of life that makes us effective witnesses. 

May we take seriously the call to holiness. Your sanctity is the instrument God wishes to use. So ensure you are praying as you should, confessing your sins, adhering to right doctrine, and engaging in those works of charity, that you might  be ready, willing, and effective, in the work God has for you, for the glory of glory of God and the salvation of souls.

Friday, May 24, 2024

7th Week of Ordinary Time 2024 - Friday - God is the author of marriage

One of the joys of my priesthood is to meet with engaged couples for marriage preparation. It’s always interesting to see where they are on their faith journeys. Some of them are devout and go to mass every week, or more. And some haven’t really been to mass since their confirmation. Some couples begin marriage preparation with little or no awareness of God’s presence with them, and have very little understanding of Church teaching.

No matter where they are on their faith journey, in marriage preparation, we start at the beginning. We read from the scriptures, we look at church teaching regarding marriage. One of the concepts that focus on is that God is the author of marriage. Marriage is not a man made institution that we are free to tamper with, alter or change. 

The Vatican II document on the Church in the Modern World emphasizes this point when it says, “The intimate community of life and love which constitutes the married state has been established by the Creator and endowed by him with its own proper laws.... God himself is the author of marriage.”

So part of marriage preparation is coming to an understanding, appreciation, and desire for not just what the world says marriage is, but that beautiful institution which God has designed. 

Church teaching on marriage is rich and beautiful, and of course, founded upon the Word of God. 

In the Gospel today, the Lord Jesus himself addresses marriage, and puts to an end, once and for all the debate about the possibility of divorce. There are lawful impediments to marriage: siblings cannot marry, parents cannot marry their children, a person cannot be forced to marry another, there must be consent. 

But a man and a woman, truly joined in the bond of holy matrimony, cannot be separated, because God has joined them. 

The indissolubility of legitimate marriage is disregarded by much of society. Many choose to enter into adulterous relationships to the detriment of their spouses, their children, and their souls.

The Catechism comments on today’s reading thusly: it says, the Lord Jesus’ “unequivocal insistence on the indissolubility of the marriage bond may have left some perplexed and could seem to be a demand impossible to realize. However, Jesus has not placed on spouses a burden impossible to bear, or too heavy—heavier than the Law of Moses. By coming to restore the original order of creation disturbed by sin, he himself gives the strength and grace to live marriage in the new dimension of the Reign of God. It is by following Christ, renouncing themselves, and taking up their crosses that spouses will be able to “receive” the original meaning of marriage and live it with the help of Christ. This grace of Christian marriage is a fruit of Christ’s cross, the source of all Christian life.”

Let us pray for all engaged and married couples, that they may live faithfully to the Lord’s teaching regarding the Sacrament of Marriage, that marriage may continue to make the Church fruitful, that it may be a source of blessing for their families and for the world for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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That Christians may respond generously to the perpetual call to prayer, fasting, and works of charity. 

For our young people beginning summer vacation, that they may be kept safe from the errors of our culture and kept in close friendship with Jesus through prayer and acts of mercy.

For all married couples, that they may be faithful to the Gospel in every dimension of their married life and give all an example of God’s ever-faithful love.  

That during this month of May, all people may turn their hearts to the Blessed Virgin Mary, seeking her aid and imploring her intercession with increased and fervent devotion, imitating her example of Faith, Hope, and Love.

For all the needs of the sick and the suffering, the homebound, those in nursing homes and hospitals, the underemployed and unemployed, immigrants and refugees, victims of natural disaster, war, and terrorism, for all those who grieve the loss of a loved one, and those who will die today, for their comfort, and the consolation of their families.

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

Incline your merciful ear to our prayers, we ask, O Lord, and listen in kindness to the supplications of those who call on you. Through Christ our Lord

Thursday, May 23, 2024

7th Week of Ordinary Time 2024 - Thursday - Instructions for the Last Day of School

Happy Last Day of School everyone. When I was studying to be a priest, on the last day of seminary each  year, we would always gather for mass just like we are doing today. At the end of a long school year, our seminary rector would give us some instructions for the summer. Even though the school year was over, we still had to keep some things in mind. He would remind us of the importance of going to church as much as possible, and praying and reading scripture every day. He’d remind us not to play too many video games and to exercise and get some sunshine. He’d remind us to keep our minds sharp by reading books throughout the summer, and looking for opportunities to volunteer at our parishes. 

But then, he’d give us the most important piece of advice. He would remind us of the importance of turning to God and turning to Jesus every day, and to seek our happiness in Him.

And wouldn’t you know it, all of our scripture readings today, on this last day of the school year, contain that very same advice.

In our first reading from the Letter of James, we hear a strong message about the dangers of putting too much trust in money and material things. James tells us that riches can decay and lose their value, and that living a life focused only on luxury and pleasure can lead us away from God. This reading reminds us that true happiness and peace come from following God's commandments and living a life of kindness and generosity.

The Responsorial Psalm echoed that message, telling us that those who trust in their wealth will not find lasting joy. Instead, it is the poor in spirit who are blessed and will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. This means that those who are humble, who recognize their need for God, and who seek to do His will, are the ones who are truly rich in what matters most.

Then, In the Gospel reading from Mark, Jesus gives us some very vivid images to help us understand the seriousness of sin. He tells us that if something causes us to sin, we should remove it from our lives, even if it is something as important as a hand or an eye. Jesus uses these strong words to show us that we must do whatever it takes to avoid sin and to stay close to Him. 

As we prepare for our summer break, let us remember these important lessons. Summer is a wonderful time to relax, have fun, and enjoy the beautiful world that God has given us. But it is also a time when we can sometimes forget to pray, to go to Church, and to make good choices. So, how can we keep our souls from sin during these summer months?

Stay Connected to God: Make time each day to pray. Even just a few minutes in the morning or before bed can help you stay close to Jesus. Remember to thank Him for your blessings and ask for His guidance in all you do.

Attend Church Regularly: Remind your families on Saturday, that on Sunday you need to go to Church. 

Be Kind and Generous: Look for ways to help others, whether it's doing chores at home without being asked, being kind to your siblings, or helping a neighbor. Acts of kindness bring joy to others and to ourselves.

Make Good Choices: Think about the decisions you make each day. Ask yourself, "Is this something that would make Jesus happy?" If the answer is no, then it’s probably not the right choice.

Stay Pure in Heart: Remember that what you watch, read, and listen to can affect your thoughts and actions. Choose entertainment that is wholesome and uplifting, and avoid things that can lead you away from God's love.

Remember, Jesus loves each one of you very much and wants you to be happy and holy. Stay close to Him, and He will guide you always. 

May God will bless our summer, keep us safe, and help us to grow in our faith. May we return in the fall with hearts full of love for Jesus for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

7th Week in Ordinary Time 2024 - Wednesday - Humility in decision making

 St. Augustine said that his three favorite virtues were “humility, humility, and humility”. And that is a fitting quip for a saint, as it appears that our Lord felt the same way. The very first beatitude preached by Jesus on the Sermon on the Mount is about humility. We heard it echoed in our reponsory this morning: “Blessed are the poor in spirit”. To be poor in spirit isn’t to rub dirt on our faces and deprive ourselves of sustenance in order to imitate the homeless.

To be poor in spirit means to be humble before God. Jesus’ followers must recognize on a fundamental level that we are dependent upon God for everything: for our biological life, for the time on earth that we’ve been given, and for the gift of eternal life. You cannot begin ascending the mountain of beatitude until you recognize that you cannot climb it on your own. You can’t even see the mountain, let alone climb it. 

In the short passage from the Letter of James this morning, St. James too emphasizes humility.

 St. James addresses those who are making plans about their future activities, such as going to a town, doing business, and making a profit. 

He reminds them that they do not know what their life will be like tomorrow. Life is uncertain and fragile, likened to a "puff of smoke" that appears briefly and then vanishes. There but for the grace of God go you and I. 

James condemns the arrogance of living without reference to God. These planners hadn’t even considered what God’s will was for their life. 

Often times, our young people talk about what they want to be when they grow up without any consideration of what God wants for them. This is why so many don’t even consider for a moment a priestly or religious vocation. They want to be an athlete or internet influencer because they want the fame and the money. Not considering that the selfish pursuit leads to unhappiness. 

Our secular society breads this sort of practical atheism that even many Christians fall into, making decisions, planning for the future, without reference to God, without seeking God’s will. And it’s a habit that really takes a miracle to break. 

Whenever we are at a crossroads, we need to seek God’s will. We need to take the time to kneel down and ask God for guidance, and have the patience to wait for an answer, and to discern, to ensure that we aren’t just following our own willfulness, or own earthly attractions, to weigh our desires against the teachings of Christ and the call to holiness, and to pray with the words of Christ in the garden, “not my will, but thy will be done”

Humility is to mark our every decision, humility which subjects the entirety of our lives to the will of God and the truth and goodness revealed in Christ for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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That Christians may respond generously to the perpetual call to prayer, fasting, and works of charity. 

For our young people beginning summer vacation, that they may be kept safe from the errors of our culture and kept in close friendship with Jesus through prayer and acts of mercy.

That during this month of May, all people may turn their hearts to the Blessed Virgin Mary, seeking her aid and imploring her intercession with increased and fervent devotion, imitating her example of Faith, Hope, and Love.

For all the needs of the sick and the suffering, the homebound, those in nursing homes and hospitals, the underemployed and unemployed, immigrants and refugees, victims of natural disaster, war, and terrorism, for all those who grieve the loss of a loved one, and those who will die today, for their comfort, and the consolation of their families.

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

Incline your merciful ear to our prayers, we ask, O Lord, and listen in kindness to the supplications of those who call on you. Through Christ our Lord

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

7th Week of Ordinary Time 2024 - Tuesday - Ordinary Christianity is Extraordinary


After five weeks of Lent, Holy Week, the Paschal Triduum, Easter Sunday, seven weeks of Paschaltide, and Pentecost, we’ve returned to Ordinary Time.  We will observe Ordinary Time, from now until the end of the liturgical year in November.  

The major seasons of the liturgical year—Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter—bring with them extraordinary anticipation and preparations and the celebration of extraordinary events—the birth of Christ and his saving death and resurrection.

But let us not forget that in ordinary time, when we are considering the ordinary teachings of Christ throughout his public ministry—the Lord’s ordinary activity is anything but ordinary. 

Jesus Christ is God speaking to us and teaching us. And the words, lessons, and actions of his ordinary public ministry guide us to become extraordinary. The ordinary life of the Christian is extraordinary compared to the ordinary life of the world. 

The ordinary way of the world is broken and Christ offers extraordinary wholeness. The ordinary way of the world is foolish and Christ offers extraordinary wisdom. Left to its own devices, the world ordinarily sinks into chaos, man devolves into tribalism, selfish individualism, warfare over resources. But Christ offers another way—an extraordinary way—of order, unity, and peace. 

Today’s Gospel is a perfect example of the extraordinary way of Christ. The disciples are arguing about who will be first, who will be at the top of the hierarchy. They are arguing about power and status and privilege and greatness. In other words, they are thinking as ordinary human beings do—fighting over power.

But then the Lord illustrates another way—an extraordinary way—he says that true greatness involves becoming like a little child before God—true power involves becoming a servant to every one, being first means becoming last.  Becoming humble and servant-hearted will bring you wholeness, it will make you extraordinary—the sort of extraordinariness that is valued by God and truly longed for by the human heart. And everything else is a waste of time and contributes to the fallenness of the world.

As we transition back to Ordinary Time, we are reminded that the seemingly routine aspects of Jesus' teachings and ministry are profoundly transformative. Although the liturgical year features peaks of spiritual intensity and celebration, it is in the day-to-day application of Christ's teachings where the true extraordinariness of our faith is revealed. Ordinary Time offers us the space to reflect on and integrate the profound lessons of servanthood, humility, and the reversal of worldly values that Jesus espoused. 

These teachings guide us to live lives that starkly contrast with the ordinary ways of the world, providing a path to true greatness and wholeness God desires for us. As we embrace this period of Ordinary Time, let us cherish and apply these extraordinary lessons in our everyday lives, transforming our ordinary existence into an extraordinary journey towards spiritual fulfillment and unity with God for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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That Christians may respond generously to the perpetual call to prayer, fasting, and works of charity. 

For our young people beginning summer vacation, that they may be kept safe from the errors of our culture and kept in close friendship with Jesus through prayer and acts of mercy.

That during this month of May, all people may turn their hearts to the Blessed Virgin Mary, seeking her aid and imploring her intercession with increased and fervent devotion, imitating her example of Faith, Hope, and Love.

For all the needs of the sick and the suffering, the homebound, those in nursing homes and hospitals, the underemployed and unemployed, immigrants and refugees, victims of natural disaster, war, and terrorism, for all those who grieve the loss of a loved one, and those who will die today, for their comfort, and the consolation of their families.

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

Incline your merciful ear to our prayers, we ask, O Lord, and listen in kindness to the supplications of those who call on you. Through Christ our Lord

Friday, May 17, 2024

7th Week of Easter 2024 - Friday - Do you love me?


On these last two weekdays of Easter, our Gospel reading comes from the very last chapter of John’s Gospel.  As I mentioned recently, Saint John’s Gospel has often been called, “the Gospel of Love.”  Naturally, the final story of the final chapter of John’s Gospel is a conversation about love.

“Do you love me?” Jesus asks. 

That question isn’t answered with a simple yes or no. That question is answered in the decisions we make today. It is answered in our faithfulness to our respective vocations as priest, spouses and parents, religious, single. It is answered in how we treat people, the time we offer them, the works of charity in which we engage in our community—feeding the hungry and instructing the ignorant—. It’s answered in our fervor in prayer, our willingness to do penance, our embrace of suffering for the good of others.

For Peter, loving Jesus meant “feeding his sheep”—a very specific, unique ministry within the Church. His love for Jesus would be proven if he was faithful in leading, shepherding, governing, teaching the flock of Christ, the Church. 

Similarly, our love for Jesus is proven in our faithfulness to shepherding those he has given us to shepherd, feeding those he has given us to feed, teaching those he has given us to teach. “Do you love me?” don’t just respond with your lips, respond with your choices, your faithfulness to responsibilities, your faithfulness to God in moments of temptation, your patient endurance and acceptance of the crosses God has given you.

We show our love for Jesus when we do the tasks we’ve been given without grumbling or arguing, with diligence and care. We show our love for Jesus when we seek him out in the poor and needy in order to clothe and console Him. 

When Jesus asks us, “do you love me”, he’s not looking for lip service, but actual service. May we show our love for Jesus in a million ways today, in our words and choices, with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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Let us pray to our Heavenly Father, confident that He is generous to those who call upon Him with faith.

That the ordained and all members of the Church throughout the world may be a more visible sign of the love of God for humanity, calling all people to new life and communion with Him; and that our parish may bear witness with great confidence to the Resurrection of Christ and his tender love for sinners and for the poor

For our President and all elected government representatives, may the Holy Spirit grant them wisdom and guide them to promote domestic tranquility, national unity, respect for religious freedom, and a greater reverence for the sanctity of Human Life. Let us pray to the Lord.

Like the apostles gathered with Our Lady in the Cenacle, may the Church grow in Marian devotion this month, especially in devotion to the Holy Rosary. Let us pray to the Lord.

For those experiencing any kind of hardship or sorrow, isolation, addiction, or disease: that they may know the peace and consolation of the Good Shepherd. Let us pray to the Lord.

For the repose of the souls of our beloved dead, for all of the poor souls in purgatory, for the deceased members of our family, friends, and parish, for those who have fought and died for our freedom, and for …for whom this mass is offered. Let us pray to the Lord.

Gracious Father, hear the prayers of your pilgrim Church, grant us your grace and lead us to the glory of your kingdom, through Christ Our Lord.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

7th Week of Easter 2024 - Wednesday - Unity through loving and joyful obedience

We have been reading for two weeks from Jesus’ Farewell Speech at the Last Supper, chapters 14-17 of the Gospel of John. 

Throughout the discourse, the Lord emphasizes the relationship between love and obedience. He repeatedly calls on his disciples to demonstrate their love for him by obediently keeping his commandments. 

We seek to faithfully observe the commandments of God out of love, for faithfulness is pleasing to God. And so we zealously seek to rid ourselves of infidelity, to muzzle our unfaithful tongues, discipline our willful spirits, and restrain our disordered appetites. And the Christian does so zealously, happily, and enthusiastically. Again because loving fidelity is pleasing to our Father. We show our love and practice love by keeping God’s commandments. 

A devotion to keeping God’s commandments—to following the rules of our Father’s household—is not pharisaical religion. Rather, it is a participation in the salvific sacrifice of Christ—who obediently accepted death, death on a cross—out of love for His Father.

In his rule, St. Benedict writes, “The first degree of humility is prompt obedience” To be poor in spirit like Christ, to hunger and thirst for righteousness, means to desire a practice obedience.

The great doctor St. Francis de Sales writes, “Obedience is a virtue of so excellent a nature, that Our Lord was pleased to mark its observance upon the whole course of His life; thus He often says, He did not come to do His own will, but that of His Heavenly Father.” 

Obedience is the means of aligning one's will with God's will, which is central to Christian discipleship. For we are to follow in the footsteps of the obedient Son of God. We are to surrender personal preferences and desires to fulfill a higher purpose—God’s Holy Will. “Not my will, but Thy will be done”. 

Obedience to God is the glue that unites Christians. At the conclusion of his Farewell speech, the Lord prays that his disciples be one, just as he is one with the Father—a oneness that is manifest in the Son’s obedience to the Father. 

Thomas Aquinas writes, “Obedience unites us so closely to God that in a way transforms us into Him, so that we have no other will but His. If obedience is lacking, even prayer cannot be pleasing to God.”

Faithfulness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. If faithfulness is not evident in our decisions, our connection to the Holy Spirit is damaged and compromised. Joylessness in the Christian life is almost always a sign that disobedience has taken root. For sinful disobedience causes the other spiritual fruits, like joy, peace, patience, and self-control to wither.

May the Holy Spirit, whose descent upon the Church we prepare to celebrate at Pentecost, draw us into ever deeper unity with the Father and with one another, through a sharing in the loving obedience of the Son, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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That the ordained and all members of the Church throughout the world may be a more visible sign of the love of God for humanity, calling all people to new life and communion with Him; and that our parish may bear witness with great confidence to the Resurrection of Christ and his tender love for sinners and for the poor

For those who do not believe in God and for those who have fallen away from the Church.

For an increase in the gifts of the Holy Spirit among all Christians, and for all who are persecuted for the faith.

That during this month of May, all people may turn their hearts to the Blessed Virgin Mary, seeking her aid and imploring her intercession with increased and fervent devotion, imitating her example of Faith, Hope, and Love. 

For the sick, the suffering, those in nursing homes, hospitals, and hospice care, for the underemployed and unemployed, for the imprisoned, those with addictions, for those who grieve the loss of a loved one, and those who will die today, that the Spirit of Consolation may comfort them.

For the deceased members of our families, friends and parish, for all of the poor souls in purgatory, for all those who fought and died for our freedom.

O God, who know that our life in this present age is subject to suffering and need, hear the prayers of those who cry to you and receive the prayers of those who believe in you. Through Christ our Lord.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

May 14 2024 - St. Matthias - The apostolate of all the faithful

 Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Matthias, and the first reading explains the election of this thirteenth apostle who would take the place of Judas.  

After the Lord’s Ascension, but before Pentecost…kind of like, today…the Apostles gathered in the upper room.  Peter, prince of the Apostles, explains the qualifications Judas’ replacement.  The new apostle above all was to be a witness; he was to have accompanied them the whole time that the Lord Jesus was among them from the baptism of John until his death.  He was to also have been a witness to the resurrection.  

There were two men of equal merit. And so after praying, they cast lots and the choice fell on Matthias. So Matthias was chosen to take up that ministry of going out and teaching all nations. 

 Of the rest of his life we know very little except that he persevered in his vocation—that he was an untiring preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We do not really know the details of his martyrdom; one account states that Matthias was arrested and brought to trial in Jerusalem.  When threatened with being stoned to death like St. Stephen, Matthias professed that he would rather die than renounce the faith.  So, he was put to death, and legend says that his relics were preserved in Jerusalem until St. Helen had them brought to Rome.  

While not all of us are called to be members of the Apostolic College, that is, a bishop, like Matthias or Bishop Malesic, all Christians have a share in the Church’s apostolate. Apostolate comes from the same word as “apostle” which means—sent. We are all sent by God on a mission to witness to Christ.

The Catechism, specifically speaking about the laity says, “like all the faithful, lay Christians are entrusted by God with the apostolate by virtue of their Baptism and Confirmation, they have the right and duty, individually or grouped in associations, to work so that the divine message of salvation may be known and accepted by all men throughout the earth. This duty is the more pressing when it is only through them that men can hear the Gospel and know Christ. (CCC 900)”

Each of us is tasked of bringing the Gospel into whatever spheres in society and the church that we occupy. We are chosen and sent by God to bring the divine message into the workplace, into our families, into our neighborhoods, into our political associations, into our friendships, more deeply into parish groups. There are gifts given to us uniquely, individually, that God hasn’t given to anyone else, that we are to put into the service of building up the Church.

And like St. Matthias, we are to be faithful to the apostolate when we are resisted, arrested, and even put to death.

Through the holy example and heavenly intercession of the apostles and martyrs may we be faithful to our apostolate—witnessing to Christ in every dimension of our life—for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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May we join the Holy Apostles in our prayer for the world and the Church.

As the Apostles witnessed to the Resurrection of the Lord, may we be his witnesses to the farthest corners of the world.

For the bishops, the successors of the apostles: That they may be courageous in stirring up the flame of faith and defending the Church from error.

For all of the sick and suffering, especially victims of natural disaster, poverty, and addiction, may they be comforted and supported by God’s healing love. We pray to the Lord.

For all who long to see the face of the Father, for all our departed loved ones and all of the souls in purgatory, and for N. for whom this Mass is offered. We pray to the Lord.

Incline your merciful ear to our prayers, we ask, O Lord, and listen in kindness to the supplications of those who call on you. Through Christ our Lord

Monday, May 13, 2024

May 13 2024 - Our Lady of Fatima - Fatima and Pentecost


During this final week of the Easter season, as we prepare for the Great Solemnity of Pentecost, we commemorate today “Our Lady of Fatima”. 

In 1917, in the small town of Portugal called Fatima, the Virgin Mary appeared to three young shepherd children. She delivered messages that were both a warning and an instruction: a call to prayer, especially the Rosary, and a plea for repentance and conversion. These messages were not just for those children or for that time; they are messages for all of us, across all times.

For, the messages of Our Lady at Fatima are consistent with the perpetual teaching of the Church: repent, believe in the Gospel, enter into a living relationship with God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit through the Church, through a life of prayer, the imitation of Christ, and reception of the Sacraments.

At Fatima, we see God continuing to use Mary as his instrument, to help the world know, love, and follow Jesus Christ. At Fatima, Mary echoes the same instruction she gave at the Wedding at Cana: “do whatever he tells you”.  

At Fatima, God gathered souls around Mary to be strengthened in faith and in the mission of the Church, just like at Pentecost, when the apostles were gathered around Mary. On Pentecost, the apostles, those spiritual sons of Mary, prayerfully prepared for the decent of the Holy Spirit with the assistance of her humble example and her prayers. 

As we prepare for Pentecost, the message of Fatima helps us remain intent on seeking the strengthening of our own faith, and a deeper openness to the gifts and movement of the Holy Spirit for the sake of the Church’s mission, through the aid of the Blessed Virgin.

We do well to follow Our Lady’s instruction at Fatima to pray the rosary each day this week, meditating on the mysteries of the life of Our Savior—that we may imitate what those mysteries contain and obtain what they promise. The Rosary is a powerful means to welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives, as did Our Lady. We pray for ourselves and for those who fail to pray as they should—unbelievers, hardened sinners, the prideful the lukewarm, and those souls at risk of hell. 

May our devotion to Mary and our anticipation of the Holy Spirit prepare our hearts to be renewed, that we might be effective witnesses of the Gospel in our world today for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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That the maternal care of Our Lady may bring protection to the shepherds of the Church and all who preach the Gospel.

That Our Lady’s devotion to the Divine Will of God will move government leaders to work to build a culture of life and peace to further the reign of Christ.

That through the penance and prayers of the Church, hardened sinners will return to God.

That the intercession of Our Lady will bring comfort and care to all who suffer disease, violence, and afflictions of any kind.

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

We pray, O Lord our God, that the Virgin Mary, who merited to bear God and man in her chaste womb, may commend the prayers of your faithful in your sight. Through Christ our Lord.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Ascension 2024 - Awaiting the Spirit


Ohioans have certainly had reason to look to the sky lately! A month ago we witnessed a rare celestial event: a total solar eclipse. I remember sitting in the church parking lot back on April 9, gazing up at the sky. And in that moment of totality—of total eclipse--I could form no other words except “wow.”

Last night there was another very rare celestial event, for this part of the globe at least: the Aurora borealis also known as the Northern Lights could be glimpsed. I must have missed the news about this, as I didn't find out about the northern lights until this morning when I opened up Facebook and saw these beautiful pictures of the ribbons of blues and purples and greens of the Aurora borealis all throughout my Facebook feed.  From the pictures, it really looked like a site to behold.

What a coincidence that our readings this weekend depict the apostles gazing skyward. Before their very eyes, on the 40th day after his resurrection on Easter Sunday, the Lord Jesus ascended skywards. 

No doubt, the reaction of the Apostles was even more intense than our reaction to the eclipse and the aurora. Not just “wow”—look at that spectacle. But, the Lord’s ascension meant something for the rest of their lives. You saw the eclipse or you didn’t see the eclipse…we went on with our lives It was a marvel to see, it’s a lovely memory. But it didn’t really change anything for us, right? Likewise, last night, you saw the aurora borealis, you didn’t see the aurora. Again: a really neat spectacle. A wondrous phenomenon of God’s creation. But hardly life changing. 

But for the Apostles, witnessing the Lord’s Ascension meant something. The course of their life would now be quite different. For one, it was further proof of the Lord’s divinity and that God was at work in a major way. Secondly, it was a powerful reminder for them, as it is for us, to remain focused on heaven. Not just the sun and moon and stars, of course, but God’s heavenly domain, our eternal homeland. Reaching heaven and serving heaven is to be the main impetus of our life. We are to remain vigilant against anything that might distract us from our earthly journey toward heaven. As we reflect upon often in Advent, we are to be prepared for the Lord’s final Advent—his return from heaven. Thirdly, since the Lord Jesus was no longer going to be physically present, the apostles’ leadership of the Church had truly begun. They were responsible for passing on what they received and ensuring that the Church remained faithful to her mission. 

And of course, the Ascension meant that their mission to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth was about to begin. Over the course of 40 days after Easter, the Lord had appeared to them many times, proving that he was truly risen from the dead. He proved that God was truly victorious. Life is triumphant over death. He made them witnesses of his resurrection so that they would be prepared to go out and share the good news with the world.

And yet, notice, that just prior to his ascension, the Lord tells the apostles that they still aren’t ready to begin the mission. Even with everything they’ve witnessed—everything they’ve seen. They won’t be ready until they receive the Holy Spirit. 

Preaching the Gospel is going to change the world. The apostles are going to speak to kings and princes and emperors, rich and poor, sick and healthy, learned and unlearned, Jew and Gentile. They are going to speak about the things they’ve heard and seen and witnessed. In fact at the last supper the Lord told the apostles that they “will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these.” The Lord healed the sick of Galilee, and His Apostolic Church has gone on to found hospitals spanning the globe. The Lord taught the ignorant of Galilee, His Apostolic Church has gone on to found schools and universities and teach people of every tongue. The Lord gathered in his earthly ministry, lets say, a few dozen followers. His Apostolic Church has baptized millions upon millions. The Lord fed a few thousand in the multiplication of the loaves, His Apostolic Church has fed and clothed and healed and taught billions.

We’ve done great things, by not by our own power. The Holy Spirit has impelled us into the world, has animated, guided, empowered, uplifted, emboldened, enlightened, and gifted the Church with those spiritual gifts necessary for the mission.

The Ascension is a marvel to celebrate—one of the great events in salvation history. But, in a sense, it was a means to an end. The Lord said, I have to go, so that the Holy Spirit may come. The event prepared them for Pentecost. And they did as the Lord commanded. The apostles spent the next nine days from Ascension Thursday to Pentecost Sunday: waiting for the Holy Spirit through prayer together. As we’ll hear next Sunday, they gathered in the upper room with the mother of Jesus and prayed. 

And as they did, so should we. During this next week, pray to be more and more open to the Holy Spirit: to be guided, empowered, uplifted, embolded, enlightened and gifted with spiritual gifts for the mission God has planned for you and for this parish.

The apostles gathered in the upper room with Mary, this is a good week to pray the rosary every day. Our Mother wanted what was best for her sons, the apostles, and she wants what’s best for us, all her spiritual children—and that’s profound openness to the life and gifts of the Holy Spirit. 

Now, yes, we have all received the Holy Spirit at Baptism. The day of our Baptism for every Christian is Pentecost Sunday. But, today’s feast of the Ascension reminds us of the need to constantly be cultivating that readiness for the Holy Spirit to move us and gift us and fill us and send us. At the direction of the Lord Jesus, the Apostles waited for the wind of the spirit to blow, and like them we are to unfurl the sails of our minds and souls, constantly, through daily prayer and mindfulness of God, so that we will respond with faith when the Holy Spirit so moves us.

Last night (Friday evening) we had a beautiful event. You see lined up on at the foot of the communion rail, candles. Each one of those candles is a soul who moved by the Spirit entered this church to pray. Parishioners and folks who just happened to be walking by last night from 7 to 8pm felt the Lord calling them to pray. It was truly a sight to behold. I’m deeply proud of our brothers and sisters who made last night a success. 

May these final solemnities of the Easter season animate us in joy in our share of the Gospel mission, guide us and open us more deeply to the gifts of the Lord, and help us to remain intent on the pursuit of heaven, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

Friday, May 10, 2024

6th Week of Easter 2024 - Friday - Mission impossible

In the ancient world, the city of Corinth was a mix between Las Vegas and New York City: it was a wealthy commercial center that gathered traders, sailors and slavers from all over the Roman Empire. And Corinth catered to their depraved appetites—the ancient city of sin was known for every sort of debauchery—the Temple of Aphrodite marking the city skyline was renowned for its temple prostitutes. 

This picture of the moral degradation of Corinth provides the context for St. Paul’s arrival with an astounding message: there is salvation and freedom from sin in Christ! Paul was sent to the drunkards and fornicators to preach Christ.  This was a great challenge. These are people who likely did not want to change. Paul would no doubt be mocked and challenged for preaching conversion and repentance in Corinth, not to mention the hostility from the business owners—sin was big business in Corinth, after all. Talk about Mission Impossible!

But as we heard today, the Lord himself appeared to Paul, and said, “Do not be afraid. Go on speaking, and do not be silent, for I am with you. No one will attack and harm you, for I have many people in this city." This reminds us of God’s reassurance to Moses at the burning bush, Joshua prior to his mission, the Virgin Mary at Nazareth. “Do not be afraid, I am with you” is often God’s response to the fear and trepidation of those to whom he has given a humanly impossible mission. And converting Corinth was certainly a humanly impossible mission.

The Lord assured Paul that there were people in Corinth who would be receptive—soul whom the Lord knew would be receptive to the Gospel if Paul would simply have courage and preach.

And preach he did. Paul stayed in that moral cesspool for a year and a half, teaching those who would be taught. 

Friends, like Paul, we must not be afraid to preach and teach in whatever part of the world we find ourselves. We must not be afraid to call unbelievers to belief and sinners to conversion and to preach Christ crucified. The Lord is with us, he has tasked us with the mission, and he has not left us abandoned in our mission. He wishes to speak through us, teach through us, and make disciples through us. May we be faithful to this great and awesome responsibility, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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That the ordained and all members of the Church throughout the world may be a more visible sign of the love of God for humanity, calling all people to new life and communion with Him; and that our parish may bear witness with great confidence to the Resurrection of Christ and his tender love for sinners and for the poor

For those who do not believe in God and for those who have fallen away from the Church.

For an increase in the gifts of the Holy Spirit among all Christians, and for all who are persecuted for the faith.

That during this month of May, all people may turn their hearts to the Blessed Virgin Mary, seeking her aid and imploring her intercession with increased and fervent devotion, imitating her example of Faith, Hope, and Love. 

For the sick, the suffering, those in nursing homes, hospitals, and hospice care, for the underemployed and unemployed, for the imprisoned, those with addictions, for those who grieve the loss of a loved one, and those who will die today, that the Spirit of Consolation may comfort them.

For the deceased members of our families, friends and parish, for all of the poor souls in purgatory, for all those who fought and died for our freedom.

O God, who know that our life in this present age is subject to suffering and need, hear the prayers of those who cry to you and receive the prayers of those who believe in you. Through Christ our Lord.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

6th Week of Easter 2024 - Wednesday - Evangelizing lessons from St. Paul in Athens

 Paul's proclamation of the gospel in Athens contains lessons for our evangelizing today.

Normally, as he did in Philippi, it was Paul’s custom to go to the synagogues to preach to the Jews and God-fearing Gentiles there. But not in Athens.

In Athens, Paul, in the manner of the Greek Philosophers, goes to the public square. He does not wait for people to come to church, as we may be inclined to do, but rather goes out in search of the lost like the Good Shepherd. 

Convinced of the truth and necessity of the Gospel, Paul is not afraid or ashamed to engage strangers in matters of faith, despite the unfamiliarity and even strangeness of the Christian message to the people with whom he is talking. Instead he does his best to explain and defend his beliefs. 

Notice, when Paul is invited to speak, he finds something positive to say about the sincere religious striving of his audience. He looks for common ground. He meets them where they are with the truth of the Gospel, as Bishop Perez liked to say—even affirming something true in their religion that he can use as a starting point for sharing the gospel. That’s a great strategy. We can affirm what is true in Islam and Hinduism and Buddhism and the Protestant denominations. What’s true is true. And that can be a starting point.

So Paul tailors his approach to his Pagan audience. He acknowledges that they are deeply religious. They pray, they worship, they engage in devotional practices. They are mindful of the gods in their daily lives.

But then he introduces the truth that there are in fact not a multiplicity of gods, but a single All-powerful Creator God who has sent his son as Savior. 

Paul quotes the Pagan poets—again meeting people where they are—yet, he corrects his audiences mistaken ideas about divinity. 

He then explains the necessity of repentance and tells them the sober truth about future judgment. He boldly asserts Jesus Christ, though he surely knows that this assertion will cause many Greeks to scoff. Finally, he is not discouraged when only a few receive his message. With evangelical fortitude, he sets out for his next mission, in the city of Corinth

Important lessons no? Don’t be afraid to engage strangers. Meet them where they are. Seek to understand them and what they believe. So you can lead them from that place to the fullness of truth. Don’t be afraid to assert the need to seek the truth revealed by God in Christ—the need to repentance. After all, the very first word of the Lord’s own public preaching, was “repent and believe.”

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That the ordained and all members of the Church throughout the world may be a more visible sign of the love of God for humanity, calling all people to new life and communion with Him; and that our parish may bear witness with great confidence to the Resurrection of Christ and his tender love for sinners and for the poor

For those who do not believe in God and for those who have fallen away from the Church.

For an increase in the gifts of the Holy Spirit among all Christians, and for all who are persecuted for the faith.

For the sick, the suffering, those in nursing homes, hospitals, and hospice care, for the underemployed and unemployed, for the imprisoned, those with addictions, for those who grieve the loss of a loved one, and those who will die today, that the Spirit of Consolation may comfort them.

For the deceased members of our families, friends and parish, for all of the poor souls in purgatory, for all those who fought and died for our freedom.

O God, who know that our life in this present age is subject to suffering and need, hear the prayers of those who cry to you and receive the prayers of those who believe in you. Through Christ our Lord.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

6th Week of Easter 2024 - Tuesday - Evangelical suffering

 Even when we are trying to do the tasks that God gives us without calling attention to ourselves, we may be unfairly treated. 

When St. Paul performed an exorcism in Philippi, he and Silas were arrested, beaten, and thrown in jail. 

But notice how the story from the Acts of the Apostles led to the conversion of the jailor. Tied to a stake in the innermost prison cell, they sang hymns and taught about Jesus. Even when Christians experience injustice at the hands of unbelievers, God can bring good out of the sufferings we endure. 

Keeping the faith when those sufferings come our way is not easy. Praising God while suffering injustice is the last thing most people would do. But when we are animated by faith and the desire to save souls those injustices are transformed into opportunities to build the kingdom of God. 

Now Paul and Silas were eventually freed from prison in Philip and continued to sew the seeds of the Gospel there before moving on to Thessalonica and Athens.

Five years later, Paul writes to the Christians in Philip in his famous letter to the Philippians. And in his opening address he writes to them, “I give thanks to my God at every remembrance of you…I want you to know, brothers, that my situation has turned out rather to advance the gospel, so that my imprisonment has become well known in Christ throughout the whole praetorium and to all the rest”

Paul looked back on his time in Philippi, including his imprisonment, with gratitude because he had used his time for God. We never regret the time we give to God, even the times when we suffer. For Paul's suffering, faithfully endured, became evangelical, an instrument of the Gospel.

But so often, we have the intention of doing something good, but we get a small glimpse of potential suffering and discomfort, and we run away, and decide to spend the time on ourselves, on something easier—but ultimately less fulfilling—and we are unhappier for it.

Rather, let us take to heart Paul’s injunction to the Philippians, when he says, “conduct yourselves in a way worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that, whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear news of you, that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind struggling together for the faith of the gospel, not intimidated in any way by your opponents.”

 May news of our faithful conduct, our works of charity, our efforts for the Gospel resound for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

Even when we are trying to do the tasks that God gives us without calling attention to ourselves, we may be unfairly treated.

When St. Paul performed an exorcism in Philippi, he and Silas were arrested, beaten, and thrown in jail.

But notice how the story from the Acts of the Apostles led to the conversion of the jailor. Tied to a stake in the innermost prison cell, they sang hymns and taught about Jesus. Even when Christians experience injustice at the hands of unbelievers, God can bring good out of the sufferings we endure.

Keeping the faith when those sufferings come our way is not easy. Praising God while suffering injustice is the last thing most people would do. But when we are animated by faith and the desire to save souls those injustices are transformed into opportunities to build the kingdom of God.

Now Paul and Silas were eventually freed from prison in Philip and continued to sew the seeds of the Gospel there before moving on to Thessalonica and Athens.

Five years later, Paul writes to the Christians in Philip in his famous letter to the Philippians. And in his opening address he writes to them, “I give thanks to my God at every remembrance of you…I want you to know, brothers, that my situation has turned out rather to advance the gospel, so that my imprisonment has become well known in Christ throughout the whole praetorium and to all the rest”

Paul looked back on his time in Philippi, including his imprisonment, with gratitude because he had used his time for God. We never regret the time we give to God, even the times when we suffer.

But so often, we have the intention of doing something good, but we get a small glimpse of potential suffering and discomfort, and we run away, and decide to spend the time on ourselves, on something easier—but ultimately less fulfilling—and we are unhappier for it.

Rather, let us take to heart Paul’s injunction to the Philippians, when he says, “conduct yourselves in a way worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that, whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear news of you, that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind struggling together for the faith of the gospel, not intimidated in any way by your opponents.”

 May news of our faithful conduct, our works of charity, our efforts for the Gospel resound for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

Monday, May 6, 2024

6th Week of Easter 2024 - Monday - Preaching Jesus is indispensable

Having completed one missionary circuit through Asia minor with Barnabas, around the year 50 A.D., Paul set out a second time, this time joined by a young convert named Timothy.

And this second journey will take the Gospel beyond Asia minor into Europe. And the reading today contains the story of the first European convert: a business woman named Lydia. Lydia, was probably a widow who had taken over her husband's business selling luxurious purple-dyed cloth. She was a rarity in the 1st century: a business woman in a male dominated world.

The reading from Acts described her as among a group of women who had gathered for and a "worshiper of God". This suggests that she was a Gentile who had come to believe in the God of Israel.

Paul sits down with her, and finds her receptive to the Gospel. Paul attributes her receptiveness to the Lord Jesus himself, who opened her heart to what Paul was saying.

Sometimes we fear sharing the Gospel with others because we fear that we will not be able to convert them. But recall, Jesus is the one who wants to open their hearts. If we are sitting down with a prayerful seeker of truth, we can trust that grace has already preceded the conversation.

God is at work in the lives and minds and hearts of the people of this neighborhood, to make them receptive to the Gospel. But we like Paul have to go to them and sit down with them and share the reasons of our faith. We must preach the Gospel with deeds and words. Deeds are not enough. Words are not enough. We must use both. Like our Lord did. Like Paul.

In his great document on evangelizing the modern world, Pope Paul VI wrote, “It is by her conduct and by her life that the Church will evangelize the world, in other words, by her living witness of fidelity to the Lord Jesus—the witness of poverty and detachment, of freedom in the face of the powers of this world, in short, the witness of sanctity.”

But also, “it is not superfluous to emphasize the importance and necessity of preaching. "And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without a preacher?... So faith comes from what is heard and what is heard comes by the preaching of Christ." This law once laid down by the Apostle Paul maintains its full force today. Preaching, the verbal proclamation of a message, is indeed always indispensable.”

There are women like Lydia in this neighborhood, prayerful women, God fearing women, women with keen minds for business and the like. And the Lord Jesus wants to open their hearts to his Gospel, through us. May we be faithful to our call to witness, to testify, to preach for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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That all bishops, priests, catechists, and parents may be faithful in preaching and teaching the saving Gospel of Christ.

For those who do not believe in God and for those who have fallen away from the Church.

For an increase in the gifts of the Holy Spirit among all Christians, and for all who are persecuted for the faith.

For the sick, the suffering, those in nursing homes, hospitals, and hospice care, for the underemployed and unemployed, for the imprisoned, those with addictions, for those who grieve the loss of a loved one, and those who will die today, that the Spirit of Consolation may comfort them.

For the deceased members of our families, friends and parish, for all of the poor souls in purgatory, for all those who fought and died for our freedom.

O God, who know that our life in this present age is subject to suffering and need, hear the prayers of those who cry to you and receive the prayers of those who believe in you. Through Christ our Lord.

6th Sunday of Easter 2024 - Love one another

Over the last eight weeks we’ve had Laetare Sunday, Palm Sunday also called Passion Sunday, Easter Sunday, Divine Mercy Sunday, and Good Shepherd Sunday. Last week, we might’ve called “Vine and Branches Sunday”.  This week we could call “Love Sunday”.  For, in just the second reading and the Gospel, the word “love” is used 17 times.  In John’s first epistle he gave us that description of God that sets Christianity apart from any other religion; he said,  “God is love”, and in the nine short verses of the Gospel Jesus uses the word commandment five times and the word “love” nine times: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” Love…it’s not just for poets, song writers, and romantics. The practice of love is a commandment from our God. 

The truth that the One God of the universe is love in his very being is not found in Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, or any of the pagan religions in all of human history. The practice of love and the worship of God who IS love in his essence and being sets Christians apart. In fact, in the Quran, there are more verses about the type of people God does not love, than those who he does. Islam separates humanity into the loved and the not loved, where Christians believe that God is love, and loves all people, dying for all, desiring the salvation of all.

Saint John, the patron of our diocese and author of our second reading today, was certainly devoted to the love of God.  He was called the beloved disciple of the Lord, and laid his head on the heart of Jesus at the last supper. 

Ancient Christian tradition tells us that after Mary’s Assumption, Saint John lived on the island of Patmos, a small Greek island in the Aegean Sea, until he died of old age, around the age of 100.  And there on Patmos, as you might imagine, being the last of the twelve apostles, people would flock to him.  I may have shared this before how Sunday after Sunday, the people would literally carry the Apostle John down from his mountain abode to come celebrate the Eucharist with them.

And the story goes that Sunday after Sunday, Saint John would offer the same simple message. He would say “my little children, God loves you.  Now you love Him and love one another.”  Sunday after Sunday, the same simple message: “my little children, God loves you.  Now you love Him and love one another.”  Sunday after Sunday after Sunday.

Finally, someone asked him: “holy apostle, why do you keep repeating the same message, over and over again?”  To which Saint John replied: “I keep repeating it over and over again because the Master repeated it over and over again”.

God loves you, now you live him and love one another.  It’s the essence of the entire Gospel, isn’t it?  God is love.  

Almost 20 years ago, already, all the way back in in 2005, Pope Benedict surprised much of the world, with his first encyclical. Prior to his election, Pope Benedict was the head of the congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith under Pope John Paul II. And in many instances, the future Pope Benedict was tasked with cracking down on some doctrinal matters. And so the world thought that the tone of his pontificate would follow in that manner. But no, his first encyclical, was called “God is love”. Deus Caritas est. God is love. If you haven’t read it, you should.  You won’t be disappointed.

As you might imagine, the Holy Father drew upon scripture passages like our second reading and gospel for this 6th Sunday of easter. And Benedict goes on to explain how since God is love, when we engage in charity, we aren’t just fulfilling an ethical duty, but we are participating in the life of God. 

“Love one another as I love you”. "In His death on the Cross,” Pope Benedict writes “Christ expressed love in its most radical form. By loving as He loved, which involves self-sacrifice, we live out His commandment of love and thus dwell in Him and He in us."

Love isn’t just about having nice feelings about people. Love is not a feeling. It is an action, of doing what is best for another person. And love reaches its highest expression, its truest form, when it costs us something. Sacrificial love shows that we really believe something to be so good that it is worth sacrificing ourselves for, even dying for. 

And, that type of love, we are to show towards all—with God-like love, Christ-like love. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Pope Benedict writes, “Love of neighbor…consists in the very fact that, in God and with God, I love even the person whom I do not like or even know."

Loving the Unlikable involves extending kindness and forgiveness to those who may have wronged us or whom we find difficult to like due to personality clashes, differing opinions, or past conflicts. We’ve all met unlikable people. Each of us have likely appeared to others as unlikeable. I’m a priest and people have not liked me for a whole number reasons. But we have to see beyond our emotions, and practice love to the unlikeable. 

We are to practice love to the Unknown: to strangers or people we do not know personally. This could include acts such as providing food or clothing to pantries for the impoverished, donating to charities that support refugees, or volunteering our time to feed and clothe and help people get their life in order or the medical care they need, or the education they want for their children. I think we do a great job of this here at St. Ignatius. Unknown people call us every day, and our SVDP, which many of you support so generously, is able to help so many people. 

And the charity we are able to offer and called to offer extends to groups of people that the rest of society may overlook or marginalize. We have a nice group of parishioners that brings communion to the sick and elderly in nursing homes.  

Pope Benedict also addresses the need for Christians to bring love into public life. This can mean engaging respectfully, respectfully, respectfully, with people who hold different political views, advocating for authentic justice, like the safety of the unborn in public policies, and working towards the common good in ways that uphold the dignity and rights of every person, especially the most vulnerable.

"The Church's deepest nature,” writes Benedict, “is expressed in her three-fold responsibility: of proclaiming the word of God celebrating the sacraments, and exercising the ministry of charity (diakonia). These duties presuppose each other and are inseparable." 

We preach the Gospel because we love non-believers and desire they share in eternal life with God through Christ. We celebrate the Sacraments, faithfully, because God desires to purify us of our sins and strengthen us in charity through them. And we engage in charity because that is our identity. To be Christian is to be a love-doer. A lover of God, a lover of your fellow man—in word and deed. 

May the Blessed Virgin Mary, who we honor in a special way during this month of May, most blessed of all women in her love of God and the Church, assist us by her example and prayers, along with St. John, St. Ignatius, and all the saints, in the practice of love toward all, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.