Thursday, February 9, 2017

Homily: Thursday - 5th Week in OT 2017 - The two become one

Today’s reading is often chosen by brides and grooms for their wedding ceremony. I think it’s always pretty significant that modern couples choose to read from a book written more than 4000 years ago. What does a 4000 year old ancient text have to say to couples in the age of iphones and self-driving cars? We return over and over to this ancient story because God continues to speak to us about marriage, love, fidelity, and family.

For the reading from second genesis contains an account of the first marriage in human history. In a sense, a marriage made in heaven, for we discover that marriage was not a human creation, but designed by God. God desired man and woman to be joined as helpmate, a union he designed to bring them joy, fulfillment, help.

In the Sacrament of Marriage, Bride and Groom promise to journey through life together as companions, promising that through all the trials and difficulties of life, they will help each other become Saints; and insofar as they are faithful to God’s vision for marriage, as they love each other in good times and in bad, they will become the people God made them to be, in a sense they discover their souls.

I think a wedding is always so joyful because it is edifying to witness two people coming before God’s altar, in front of their family, and friends, to say, this is the person I choose to lay down my life for, this is the person I will sacrifice my life for like no other, who I will pray for, and serve like no other.

Marriage matters. Married love shows us a glimpse of Jesus’ love for the Church. Marriage shows the world that self-sacrificing love is possible, and that by love we are saved. In a world with so much selfishness and perversion, strong Christian marriages are so important—husbands and wives saying they will strive to make the Word of God, the Love of God, the guiding principle and the wellspring for their marriage.

St. Paul says that if we do not have this sort of love, the love of Christ, we are a resounding gong, a clashing symbol. Meaning, if we are not filled with the love of Christ, we are going through life simply making a bunch of noise—and isn’t our world noisy enough?

May the grace of God strengthen all marriages, and may Christian husbands and wives inspire each of us to Christ-like love toward all with pure and devout hearts for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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For newlyweds beginning married love together, that they may always have a true and generous love for each other; may they receive the rich blessing of children, and know the constant support of family and friends.

For all married couples, that they may be faithful to the Gospel in every dimension of their married life and give all an example of God’s ever-faithful love.

For all trouble marriages, that they may know the constant support of the Church, that they may be protected from discouragement and practice patience, mildness, reconciliation toward each other, and know the healing power of the love of Christ.

For all children who are impacted by the sad reality of divorce, that they may know the constant ever-faithful love of God and be comforted in their grief.

That the sick, lonely, elderly, homeless, and all those experiencing trials or suffering of any kind may be strengthened by God’s love and know His comfort and peace.  We pray to the Lord.

For all those who grieve the death of a spouse, and for all the dead, for all of the souls in purgatory, the deceased members of our families and friends, for all those who have fought and died for our freedom.

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