Monday, April 8, 2024

Annunciation 2024 - Mary does not eclipse, but magnifies the Divine Sun


Due to March 25 falling during Holy Week this year, the Solemnity of the Annunciation is transferred to the first day after the Easter Octave, that is today, April 8. 

Interestingly, today also coincides with a solar eclipse, a celestial event where the moon passes between the earth and the sun, totally obscuring the sun's light. 

It is a providential coincidence that invites us to consider the profound relationship between the Blessed Virgin Mary and her Divine Son, Jesus Christ.

Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen once said, "God who made the sun, also made the moon. The moon does not take away from the brilliance of the sun. All its light is reflected from the sun. The Blessed Mother reflects her Divine Son; without Him, she is nothing. With Him, she is the Mother of men." 

In the cosmic dance we witness today, the moon, by eclipsing the sun, does not diminish its light but momentarily draws our gaze so that we might appreciate the sun's brilliance all the more when it reemerges. In the same way, Mary, in her humility and obedience announced at the Annunciation, does not overshadow Jesus but reflects and magnifies His divine light. Just as the moon is illuminated by the sun, Mary's life is wholly illuminated by the grace and love of God through Jesus. She is the immaculate mirror reflecting His perfect light into the darkness of our world.

Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun, Mary reflects the love and grace of her Son, Jesus Christ. She does not eclipse or diminish His glory but rather magnifies it through her faithfulness and obedience. “My soul”, she says, “doth magnify the Lord.”

The eclipse today, then, becomes a profound metaphor for our spiritual lives. There are moments when our faith seems overshadowed by doubt or fear, just as the sun is momentarily covered by the moon. Yet, these moments do not signify the absence of God's light but rather an invitation to trust in the steady, illuminating presence of Mary, our guide, who always reflects the light of Christ back to us, guiding us through periods of darkness back into His radiant love and mercy.

It is in these moments that we can turn to Mary, our Blessed Mother, who will always guide us back to her Son. As St. Louis Marie de Montfort reminds us, "[Mary] is the safest, easiest, shortest and most perfect way of approaching Jesus and will surrender themselves to her, body and soul, without reserve in order to belong entirely to Jesus."

On this day of celestial wonder and divine grace, let us renew our commitment to journeying towards Jesus by walking with Mary, the star of the new evangelization, who leads us to her Son. Let the eclipse remind us that even in moments of darkness, the light of Christ, reflected in the heart of Mary, is our ever-present guide and hope, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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Let us offer our prayers to the Father, guided by the light of Christ and accompanied by the Blessed Virgin Mary, as we present our needs and the needs of the world.

For the Church, that under the maternal guidance of Mary, it may shine forth as a beacon of divine love and truth in the world, leading all people closer to Christ. Let us pray to the Lord.

For world leaders and all those in authority, that they may be inspired by the humility and obedience of the Blessed Virgin Mary to serve with integrity, seeking justice and peace for all people. Let us pray to the Lord.

For all who are experiencing moments of darkness and doubt in their lives, that through the intercession of Mary, they may see the light of Christ and feel His comforting presence amidst their trials. Let us pray to the Lord.

For our community, that we may embrace Mary’s example of faithful service and unconditional love, opening our hearts to God’s will and serving one another with generosity and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord.

For all who are ill or suffering, especially those among our families and friends, that they may find healing and consolation in the love of Jesus, with Mary as their tender advocate and guide. Let us pray to the Lord.

For all the faithful departed, that through the mercy of God and with the intercession of Mary, they may be welcomed into the heavenly kingdom and enjoy eternal peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

Lord, hear the prayers we offer today, trusting in the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. May our lives reflect the light of your Son, Jesus, as we strive to follow Him more closely each day. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Divine Mercy Sunday 2024 - Disciples of Peace and Mercy

 Five times in our Gospel reading today, we find the word, “disciples”—the disciples of Jesus—“the disciples were locked in the upper room”—“the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord”—“the disciples said to Thomas, “we have seen the Lord”. 

The English word, “disciple” comes from the latin—discipulus—a student. To be a disciple of Jesus is to be a student of the greatest of teachers—we are to study his life, his lessons, and his mind and heart. 

In Jesus’ time, a disciple was called, in Hebrew, a talmid, which can refer to a student, but more accurately refers to an “apprentice”. While a student learns head knowledge in order to know what the teachers knows, an apprentice works with the teacher to learn what the teacher does so he or she can imitate what the teacher’s activity in the world. And in Jesus’ day talmidim didn’t just attend a class or read a book to gain knowledge from their rabbi—they left their jobs and families and communities to follow their rabbi and watch how he lived. They wanted to be just like their rabbi—in all things.

The Lord’s call to follow Him—to be his disciple—reverberated throughout Lent and now in Easter.

At the Last Supper, Jesus spoke about discipleship. He said, “This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Notice, the Lord didn’t say, “this is how everyone will know that you are my disciple, if you can properly recite your Baltimore catechism”, but rather, “if you love one another.” Now of course, love and discipleship often includes passing on the catechism to the next generation of Christians, but knowledge of the catechism does not exhaust our call to discipleship, rather...

 “As I have loved you, so you also must love one another.” We know that when our Lord was talking about Love—he wasn’t just talking about a feeling. Being his disciple isn’t just about having bubbly feelings about each other. “There is no greater love, than to lay down your life for a friend.”

And so Good Friday was the ultimate lesson in discipleship. We, disciples of Jesus Christ are called to love one another, with Christ-like love, that loves God and loves others, all the way to the Cross.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus showed his disciples proof of his love. Entering the upper room, in the midst of his disciples—he shows them, his wounds. This is how everyone will know you are my disciples: will you bear wounds for others—you are to engage in sacrificial self-giving for others.

When he showed his wounds, he wasn’t pointing them out as if to shame his disciples, or to announce his vengeance, his retribution. “Look what you did, now it’s time for you to pay”. Rather, he points to his wounds, and says, “peace”. From the cross, Jesus pronounced, not wrath, but forgiveness: “father, forgive them, for they not know what they have done”. And after his resurrection, he announces, peace.

“Love one another, as I love you.” In the course of the Christian life, we are to engage in Christ-like self-sacrificial love for others, AND we are to practice mercy by extending peace to all, even those who hate us. We cannot love without extending mercy. 

Be merciful, Christ teaches, as God is merciful. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

In our lives, we are often hurt by others, sometimes deeply. To practice Christ-like mercy, we are called to forgive those who injure us, not holding onto grudges or seeking revenge. Mercy isn't a sign of weakness but a profound strength and a reflection of God's mercy towards us.

Jesus’s mercy was evident toward the hungry, sick, and the sorrowful. Practicing Christ-like mercy involves recognizing the physical and emotional needs of those around us and responding generously. We are to offer a listening ear when others are going through a tough time, and doing what we can to help the needy. 

In Matthew 25, Jesus identifies Himself with the stranger, saying, "I was a stranger and you welcomed me." Practicing mercy involves opening our hearts and communities to those who are different from us, whether they be newcomers, people from different cultural or religious backgrounds, or those who feel marginalized and alone. By extending hospitality and friendship, we make tangible Jesus' love and mercy.

Jesus taught us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. This radical call to mercy involves lifting up in prayer those we may find difficult to love, including those who oppose us or hurt us in some way. Through prayer, we open our hearts to God's transforming love and allow Him to work through us to extend mercy to those living far from God.

In a world marked by division and conflict, practicing Christ-like mercy means being agents of peace and reconciliation. Christian disciples are called to mediating conflicts in our families or communities, working towards justice and peace in our societies, and seeking to build bridges rather than walls. 

Finally, Jesus' ultimate demonstration of mercy was through His sacrificial love on the cross. We are called to live lives of sacrificial love, putting the needs of others before our own, and being willing to bear wounds for the sake of love. Christian disciples are called to make personal sacrifices for the good of our families, communities, and even strangers, mirroring the self-giving love of Christ.

In embracing the practice of mercy, we become true disciples of Christ, reflecting His love and mercy in a world in desperate need of both. As we go forth from this Divine Mercy Sunday, let us carry in our hearts the call to be merciful as our Father is merciful, and to spread the joy of the Resurrection through our words and deeds of love, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Easter Octave 2024 - Friday - Living the Resurrection with Courage

 Our readings from the book of Acts during this Octave week of Easter, serve to help us understand the significance and impact of the resurrection for the Church.

The apostles' boldness in proclaiming the risen Christ underlines the reality and transformative power of the resurrection. I’ve said it multiple times this week: Easter is not just a historical event in the past. But a living reality that shapes and animates our lives. 

The account of Peter and John’s fortitude in their arrest, imprisonment, and questioning before the Sanhedrin in the reading today shows us how the power of the resurrection enables us to face opposition and persecution with hope and courage—opposition and persecution much like our Lord experienced.

Consider the parallels between Peter and John’s experience, and what the Lord faced. 

Jesus is brought before the Jewish religious leaders who challenge Him and ultimately seek His death. And Peter and John are brought before a similar group of leaders, elders, and scribes, including the high priest. 

Jesus was arrested after being perceived as a threat to the religious and Roman authority due to His teachings, miracles, and the claim of being the Messiah. Peter and John are arrested for proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus, which continued to threaten their authority.

Jesus was questioned about His authority to teach, perform miracles, and His identity as the Son of God. Peter and John are questioned by what authority they performed the miraculous healing of the lame man at the temple gate.

Both Jesus' trial and the questioning of Peter and John highlight themes of faithfulness, witness, and the power of God working through individuals for His purpose. Jesus' trial culminates in His ultimate act of faithfulness—His crucifixion and resurrection—while Peter and John's encounter with the Sanhedrin becomes an opportunity to bear witness to the risen Christ.

The parallels between Jesus' trial and the questioning of Peter and John serve as a powerful reminder that we, as followers of Christ, are called to walk in His footsteps. But, just as the resurrection emboldened Peter and John to witness to the truth of Christ in the face of great adversity, so too are we called to embody that same courage and conviction in our daily lives. The challenges we face may not always be as dire as those of the apostles, but the opposition to truth, to goodness, and to the Christian way of life is ever-present in various forms in our world today.

As we continue to allow the living reality of Easter to shape our lives, may our lives truly reflect the transformative power of Christ's victory over death, so that through us, others may come to know the hope and joy and salvation of the Risen Lord, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Easter Octave Wednesday 2024 - Communal Witness, Shared Mission

The end of the Emmaus story, as recounted in the Gospel of Luke, captures a moment of profound revelation and communal joy among the disciples. After recognizing Jesus in the breaking of the bread and realizing He had been with them all along, the two disciples from Emmaus couldn't contain their excitement. Their hearts burning within them was both a metaphor for spiritual awakening but also a visceral, emotional response to encountering the Risen Lord.

Imagine their hurried journey back to Jerusalem, fueled by an urgency to share their experience. The roads that seemed so long and desolate before were now pathways of purpose and hope. Upon arriving, they find the Eleven and others gathered—sharing how the Lord appeared to Simon. Hearing this confirmation, coming from such a trusted source within their community, would only amplify their joy and astonishment.

Imagine how they were encouraged to share their own account—words tumbling over each other, hands gesturing vividly, their faces alight with awe—their excitement would be infectious. They recount every detail: their initial failure to recognize Jesus, His explanation of the Scriptures, and the moment of revelation at the dinner table. Each word would add to the growing sense of amazement and joy among the listeners.

The shared experiences of encountering the Risen Christ would forge a deep, communal bond among the disciples, uniting them in a shared mission and a renewed sense of purpose.

This Gospel is not simply about individual encounters with the Risen Christ but also about the formation of a community of believers, transformed by their experiences of the Resurrection. 

This narrative illustrates how individual faith journeys are enriched and given meaning within the context of communal belief and shared mission.

Each of us have our own faith journeys, but they are inextricably linked to each other’s. Easter is not just about my faith, but our faith—not just about my mission to witness, but our mission to witness. The Church is stronger when we are encouraging one another, praying with one another, sharing our faith with one another, and helping each other identify and strengthen our spiritual gifts.

As members of the Church, Easter invites us to reflect on our role within our communal mission. How do we contribute to the sense of community in our parish? In what ways can we support one another in our journey of faith? 

The Emmaus story reminds us that our faith is not a solitary endeavor but a communal journey towards encountering the living God. It calls us to recognize Jesus in each other, to share our stories of faith--our encounters with the Risen Lord--and to walk together in the mission entrusted to us by the Risen Lord, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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Filled with Paschal joy, let us turn earnestly to God, to graciously hear our prayers and supplications.

For the shepherds of our souls, that they may have the strength to govern wisely the flock entrusted to them by the Good Shepherd.

For the whole world, that it may truly know the peace of the Risen Christ. 

For our own community, that it may bear witness with great confidence to the Resurrection of Christ, and that the newly initiated hold fast to the faith they have received. 

For our brothers and sisters who suffer, that their sorrow may be turned to gladness through the Christian faith.

That all of our beloved dead and all the souls in purgatory may come to the glory of the Resurrection.

O God, you know that our life in this present age is subject to suffering and need, hear the desires of those who cry to you and receive the prayers of those who believe in you. Through Christ our lord.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Easter Octave Tuesday - 2024 - To share in God's life is to share in His work.

The Easter Octave, the eight-day celebration beginning on Easter Sunday is a period deeply imbued with the joy and triumph of Christ's Resurrection. We read the various Gospel accounts of Easter Sunday, and our first readings are taken from the Acts of the Apostles, particularly from Pentecost Sunday.

Why do we read about Pentecost on Easter?

Reading from the Acts of the Apostles during the Easter Octave connects the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection with the mission of the Church.  

The Lord’s resurrection is God’s victory over sin—the mission for which Jesus was sent, the salvation of souls, succeeded. And during Easter we consider how the Lord’s mission of salvation continues through us—who share in his life through baptism. 

The new life of Easter involves a new share in the work of God. You can’t share in the life of God without sharing in his work.  Christians are called not only to a personal relationship with God, but also a sacramental relationship, a communal relationship through his Church, and also a share in the missionary life of the Body of Christ. Christ came as a missionary to the human race, and his church continues that missionary mission.

And we read from the Acts of the Apostles, to show us what that missionary life looks like. 

Yesterday, we heard Peter declare, “Jesus the Nazorean was a man commended to you by God with mighty deeds, wonders, and signs… This man…you killed… But God raised him up.” Sharing in the life of Christ involves proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus—sharing the good news men need to hear.

And today, Peter’s speech not only proclaims Christ risen, but also invites those guilty of crucifying Him to repent and to enter into life. “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

All those guilty of crucifying Christ, that’s all of us—God wants baptized in order to bestow signs of that living relationship through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The call to repentance and baptismal faith that we hear in Peter's speech is not just a historical event 2000 years ago but an ongoing invitation to each of us. 

Baptism, which some of us received decades and decades ago, involves an openness to the unfolding and increase of God’s grace. Continuous dying to our old selves in order to rise to new life. Life can always be renewed, if we are 2 weeks old or a 102. There is always something to new, there is always new life, new gifts, God wishes to bestow for the sake of the mission. 

Like Mary in the Gospel, tears, shed over losing sight of Jesus, are meant to make way for proclamation. “Why are you weeping…Go and tell my brother…” Okay you found me, now get up and get to work. Don’t just stay here at the tomb, this is a place of death. Get up and prove that you are alive through action, through the work of the Church. 

May our easter celebrations continue to open us to the joy of the gospel, the joy that comes through active participation in the good work of the Church for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Easter Octave Monday 2024 - This is the day that the Lord has made.

Throughout the octave of easter, we hear an echoed refrain from Psalm 118: “This is the day the LORD has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it.” Psalm 118 was the responsorial psalm on easter Sunday, and we hear it echoed each day of the octave in the Gospel acclamation. We also find it in the responsory at morning prayer, for those who pray the liturgy of the hours.

“This is the day the LORD has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it.” I remember singing this attending Easter Masses as a young boy, and it still fills me with joy.

These words capture the very essence of what we celebrate during this sacred time. Easter Sunday marked the culmination of God's plan of salvation, the day when Christ triumphed over sin and death, and opened for us the gates of eternal life. It was, indeed, the day the Lord had made, the day that changed the course of human history forever.

But the joy of Easter is not confined to a single day. The Church, in her wisdom, gives us an entire Octave to contemplate and celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Eight days of uninterrupted rejoicing, eight days to allow the reality of Christ's victory to sink into our hearts and transform our lives.

And so, each day of this Octave, we repeat this refrain, reminding ourselves that every day is a gift from God, a chance to participate in the new life that Christ has won for us. Every day, we are called to live as Easter people, to allow the light of the resurrection to dispel the darkness of our world.

Throughout this week, as we hear the accounts of the risen Christ appearing to his disciples, as we witness the transformation of doubt into faith, fear into courage, and sorrow into joy, we are reminded that the power of the resurrection is not meant to be a distant memory but a present reality. “This” is the day the Lord has made. Not just easter Sunday, but today. Because the newness of life begun at easter continues to unfold in our lives when we act as people of faith—when we allow our easter faith to animate our lives.

Each day, as we face our own challenges, struggles, and doubts, we are called to remember that Christ has overcome the world and that, in Him, we too can be victorious—when we allow our Christian identity—our union with the risen Christ to transform, animate, and guide.

So let us make this refrain our own, not just during this Easter Octave but every day of our lives. Let us wake up each morning with the conviction that "this is the day the LORD has made" and resolve to "be glad and rejoice in it." Let us allow the joy of the resurrection to permeate our thoughts, words, and actions, and let us share that joy with all those we encounter. Alleluia! He is Risen! For the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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Filled with Paschal joy, let us turn to earnestly to God, to graciously hear our prayers and supplications.

For the shepherds of our souls, that they may have the strength to govern wisely the flock entrusted to them by the Good Shepherd.

For the whole world, that it may truly know the peace of the Risen Christ. 

For our own community, that it may bear witness with great confidence to the Resurrection of Christ, and that the newly initiated hold fast to the faith they have received. 

For our brothers and sisters who suffer, that their sorrow may be turned to gladness through the Christian faith.

That all of our beloved dead and all the souls in purgatory may come to the glory of the Resurrection.

O God, you know that our life in this present age is subject to suffering and need, hear the desires of those who cry to you and receive the prayers of those who believe in you. Through Christ our lord.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Easter Sunday 2024 - The end of the eclipse

 On Good Friday, the world was darkened by an eclipse of the sun, much like the one that we will experience here in Northeast Ohio, a week from tomorrow. 

That eclipse of the sun, causing darkness to fall over the land, was certainly fitting, in response to the mourning and sorrow experienced by Jesus’ disciples, especially his Mother, who stood at the foot of the cross. The eclipse was also a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, such as Amos 8:9, which speaks of the sun going down at noon and the earth being darkened on a clear day. It appeared, for a moment that darkness had triumphed—that the violence of man overcame the goodness of God. The extent to which man would go to secure his power, his comfort, his ego. He would lie, conspire, manipulate. He would torture and slaughter the innocent lamb of God. 

Yes, there for a time, it appeared that Good Friday was a victory, not for God, but for evil. It appeared that the eclipse that began with original sin in the Garden of Eden would last forever. 

But, the eclipse has ended. The stone rolled in front of the tomb, has been rolled back to reveal that the tomb is empty. And easter celebrates a morning when light was so bright it blinded roman soldiers and burnt an image into a burial cloth—a morning when life triumphed over death, where truth trumped falsehood, when hope was victorious over despair, when faith championed doubt, when God put Satan in his place. Jesus Christ is risen today! 

And the Easter proclamation is not a mere historical recollection but a living reality that continues to reverberate through the centuries. The resurrection of Christ offers new life, transformation, renewal, conversion, spiritual resurrection, to all who profess Him.

Old ways, which we have sought to cast aside during the season of Lent, make way for new beginnings. Easter means, “I will not let selfishness keep me from the generosity God wants from me. I will not let fear keep me from the courage God wants from me. I will not laziness keep me from the life giving endeavors God wants for me.” Pride and Envy, Lust and Sloth no more. It is time to live for purity, generosity, goodness, and peace.

For, the extraordinary news of Easter morning is that not only did Jesus Christ conquer death for himself. The good news is that he shares that victory over death and sin and despair and darkness and sin and evil with us. His victory is ours. He invites us to share in his triumph. If that is not extraordinarily Good News, I don’t know what is. 

Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure everybody in this Church could raise their hands in agreement, that there are periods in life that seem more like Good Friday than Easter Sunday. Periods of life filled with death and darkness. Periods of life when we wonder about life’s meaning, when we struggle with sickness or the death of someone near to us, periods of life when we seem stuck on a cross, or overwhelmed, like life has buried us in a tomb, when we struggle to find God amidst all the chaos and violence and evil in the world.

But, the message of Easter is that Good Friday does not get the last word. Easter Sunday does. Our faith in Jesus Christ allows us to be confident that evil and death do not get the last word, that there is truly nothing that can keep us from the love and life God wants for us. That his mercy endures forever and that God will always have the last word over Satan. So, if there is a part of your life, that still seems to be stuck in Good Friday, I invite you to ask Jesus very sincerely today, to enter that part of your life, to transform it. Ask him to come into that Good Friday broken relationship, that Good Friday doubt or confusion, that Good Friday sense of defeat. And to allow him to bring Easter Victory to your Good Friday sufferings.

The Easter Gospel also speaks to our experience of obstacles. In John’s Gospel this morning we hear how Mary of Magdala had come to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the tomb. Mark’s Gospel includes the detail that as she and the other women made her way to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus, she wondered  “Who will roll back the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?” After all, the stone was heavy. It was large. It was truly a foreboding obstacle. It took several people to roll it into place. 

What beautiful fervor, that Mary and the holy women, despite the obstacle, go to fulfill the duty of charity anyway. They could have stayed home. They could have dwelt on the enormity of this obstacle and stayed home. But they go anyway. 

And they find the stone already moved, the obstacle has already been removed by God. The power of the resurrection was already at work. 

And then, Mary ran. Mary ran and went to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and told them of the empty tomb. Talk about overcoming obstacles in order to do the work of God! In first-century Jewish society, women were often marginalized and their testimony was considered less reliable than that of men. In many cases, their testimony was considered inadmissible. And yet she goes, and testifies. The power of the resurrection already animating her mind and heart and will.

The power of Christ’s resurrection is unleashed when we refuse to allow fear to keep us from doing God’s will. 

Good Friday was not an obstacle for God’s will to be done, nor was the stone of the garden tomb. Nor were the social and cultural norms of his day. 

Now there are certainly some social and cultural norms in our own day which want to keep the Church from spreading and continuing the saving mission of Christ. 

Emphasis on personal autonomy over the sanctity of life, romantic permissiveness and the normalizing of perversion, relativism and moral subjectivism which denies the existence of truth—moral, philosophical, or theological. 

And like Mary of Magdala, we cannot allow these dark forces to keep us from spreading the saving Gospel of Christ. God desires our freedom from spiritual, intellectual, and emotional bondage. 

The fact that you are here today is a sign that God wants you to respond to an invitation to believe, and like Mary of Magdala, to become instruments of the Gospel. Unlike so many these days, you are here, which means God has already begun to move away some stones in your lives. The eclipse has already begun to wane. 

So continue to allow the power of Christ’s resurrection to animate your lives every day. Don’t go back into the tomb and roll the stone in front of the light of God. Say yes to God every day. And every week. 

The Early Christians celebrated every Sunday as a “little Easter”. They knew that without this little Easter every week, they’d be allowing those forces which conspired against Christ on Good Friday to have power over them; they were allowing excuses and fears to keep them from serving the Lord. So every Sunday for them was an opportunity open their lives to the Easter victory of Christ, to all Easter to resonate in their lives. And it is meant to be for us as well.

In just a few moments, we will renew our baptismal promises: our resolve to not be mastered by sin, by those immovable rocks, but that through the faith of the Church, we will seek Him who longs to be found, over and over in our lives. For He is Risen. Death couldn’t hold him. Unbelief and human cruelty couldn’t vanquish him. Politics can’t replace Him. Science can’t explain him away. The noise of the world cannot silence him. Perversion, selfishness, human weakness cannot keep him from being longed for. 

For He was bound and now brings power. He was bruised and now brings healing, He was pierced and now eases pain, He was persecuted and now brings freedom, He was killed and now brings life. For he is Risen. Indeed, he is Risen. Alleluia. Alleluia. For the glory of God and salvation of souls.